... a young woman getting chased by her past ...

Run is a short movie being made here in the Twin Cities by up and coming film maker Josh Mruz. I know about it because a friend of mine is in the film. It is about "a young woman getting chased by her past, hurdling through new obstacles, and recollecting the jumbled elements of her situation." I've tried to trick them into telling me what exactly she is running from but I'm told this would spoil the film. However, when I suggested it might be dinosaurs, NOBODY SAID NO!

Anyway, I'm showing this to you because I want you to give them ten dollars (or more!) to help with this new film. If you give $20 you can have a credit in the film. If you give them $1000, you can play one of the dinosaurs that they refuse to admit are chasing the star!

Have a look at this ..

And the CLICK HERE to find out more and donate.

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