
Gemini is what got me into space, science, all of it. Amy Shira Teitel can bring you up to speed.

Gemini worked out almost everything that had to be worked out to go to the moon. Not the part with the big fire cracker under the tin can to take off from the moon, but most of the rest of it.

Science Communication Gone Rong!

And, just for fun, right after I tweeted this post, I got this:

Screen Shot 2015-06-23 at 2.59.41 PM

More like this

May 5th, 1961. Freedom 7. The United States took its first small step on its journey to the moon... Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Do you hear the nervousness in his voice? I think the whole thing got a bit more causal, but not necessarily much safer,…
Here's the day's final repost of an old blog post about space policy. This is yet another post from 2004, with the usual caveats about linkrot and dated numbers and the like. This one is more or less a direct response to comments made in response to the previous post attempting to argue that using…
Okay, so you've seen the famous photos from the Apollo Moon landings: And you've been around the block enough to know why we really landed on the Moon. But let's say you wanted, for some reason, to stage your own fake jaunt on the Moon. The band Rammstein did an excellent job with the first 30…
"The very closest stars would require many years to visit, even traveling at the speed of light, which is impossible according to Einstein's theory of relativity. Today's fastest spaceships would require 200,000 years to travel to Alpha Centauri, our closest bright star. The energy required to send…

Ah, the uncanny hand of providence.

By Max Millhiser (not verified) on 24 Jun 2015 #permalink

LOL. Guess we could've seen that coming!

By Stevo Raine (not verified) on 28 Jun 2015 #permalink

PS Might just be my lousy old computer but I'm not seeing a facebook button here to like and share this one via fb Greg. Is it just me or are you and others finding this too?

By Stevo Raine (not verified) on 28 Jun 2015 #permalink

Stevo, must be you. I can see the button on my computer.

So, Greg, did you click on the "timeline bitly link"? (Rhetorical question; I can guess the answer.)

Considering the topics we're discussing here lately, I thought this might be enjoyable.

The Old Negro Space Program

By Christopher Winter (not verified) on 06 Jul 2015 #permalink