The John Droz Letter

The following is a repost of a Facebook Post by Michael Mann. I don’t think this needs any comment from me. The original is here.

Begin Repost

Several colleagues have notified me of the following email that has been sent to a presumably broad group of researchers and academics by John Droz of the #Koch-funded American Tradition Institute (#ATI) (read about Droz here).

The email forwards a sign-on letter from #GeorgeMarshallInstitute chair and #climatechange denier #WillHapper (read about Happer here) asking colleagues to support the Lamar Smith (R-TX) witch-hunt against NOAA scientists (my The New York Times op-ed on the matter is here).

The email and letter are reprinted below, along with the list of initial signatories, which reads like a who’s who of climate change contrarianism, with many of the most notorious industry-funded climate change deniers listed.

Begin forwarded message:

From: “John Droz, jr.” XXXXX

Date: January 15, 2016 at 10:17:56 AM PST

Subject: Scientific Integrity of Government Agencies



I’m very selective in what I publicly endorse — but I’m very supportive of the US House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Below is can email I’m passing on from Dr. Will Happer, who is asking that you cosign an important letter (attached). If you choose to do that (as I have) please email Dr. Happer directly (by clicking on his name). He is planning on submitting the material by January 22nd.


I am writing you to ask if you would consider joining other scientists in supporting the attached letter to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. A list of those who have already agreed to be co-signers is attached.

The intent is to help the Committee, chaired by Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas. They are trying to combat the charge that they have declared war on Science — when all they have done is try to fulfill their mandate to assure that federal agencies (like NOAA) follow the law, especially with respect to “influential scientific information,” and “highly influential scientific assessments.”

NOAA, EPA and other agencies have always violated this requirement to some degree, under both Democratic and Republican presidents, but violations over the past few years are of unprecedented scope and gravity. An example of the sort of propaganda to which this House Committee has been subject can be found here.

I hope you will let us use your name, with your preferred “tag line” (similar to those on the attached list). If there are other good technical people that might be interested, please pass this onto them.

Best wishes,

Will Happer


Initial Signatories:

ALEXANDER, Ralph B, PhD Physics, University of Oxford, former Associate Professor, Wayne State University, Detroit, author of book, Global Warming False Alarm, Canterbury Publishing, 2012

ANDERSON, Charles R, Ph.D., Physics, Case Western Reserve University; Sc.B., Physics, Brown University; Founder and President of Anderson Materials Evaluation, Inc., previously Senior Scientist at Lockheed Martin Laboratories – Baltimore and Research Physicist in the Department of the Navy; 43 years’ experience using particle beams, gamma rays, x-rays, ultra-violet light, visible light, and infra-red radiation to characterize materials.

ARMSTRONG, J. Scott, Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, One of the world’s leading experts on forecasting, he has also published 19 papers on the scientific method.

ASHWORTH, Robert A., Vice President of ClearStack Power LLC, Chemical Engineer with over 50 scientific papers published.

BARRANTE, James R., Emeritus Professor of Physical Chemistry, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT; author of book Global Warming for Dim Wits: A Scientist’s Perspective of Climate Change, Universal Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, 2010.

BASTARDI, Joe, Bastardi, Chief meteorologist, Weatherbell Analytics

BATTIG, Dr. Charles G, M.S. E.E.; M.D, Life member IEEE, American Society of Anesthesiologists; President, Piedmont Chapter, Virginia Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment;. Policy advisor, Heartland Institute

BELL, Larry: Launched the research and education program in space architecture at the University of Houston and author of Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax.

BELLER, Denis Beller, PhD, Lt. Col, USAF, retired (first tenured uniformed professor in the then–70-year history of the USAF Institute of Technology) co-author of seminal Foreign Affairs essay The Need for Nuclear Power, Jan/Feb 2000 (with Pulitzer Prize-winner Richard Rhodes), former Research Prof. of Nuclear Engineering, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas

BENARD, David J, Ph.D Physics (University of Illinois, 1972) Co-inventor of the oxygen-iodine chemical laser

BERRY, Edwin X, PhD, Physics, Climate Physics LLC, Bigfork, MT, Memberships: American Meteorological Society, AMS, Certified Consulting Meteorologist #180, American Physical Society.

BEZDEK, Roger. Ph.D, Economics, President, MISI; former research Director in ERDA and DOE and Senior Advisor, U.S. Treasury Department. Author of 6 books and 300 papers published in scientific and professional journals.

BLETHEN, John, Ph.D, physics, Stanford University, 1974, McGill, Nevada

BOHNAK, Karl, WLUC-TV6 NBC & FOX U, Chief Meteorologist

BRESLOW, Jan L, M.A. Physical Chemistry Columbia University, Doctor of Medicine Harvard Medical School, Fredrick Henry Leonhardt Professor Rockefeller University, Member National Academy of Sciences, Member National Academy of Medicine, Member German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina), published more than 250 original peer reviewed research papers

BRIGGS, William, Statistician with specialty in evaluating the goodness and usefulness of models.

BROOKS, Scott, Electronic-Electomechanical Engineering, Albuquerque, NM

BRUMM, Douglas B, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Professor of Electrical Engineering (Emeritus), Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan; Life Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

BUTOS, Wiliam N, George M. Ferris Professor of Corporation Finance & Investments Department of Economics, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106

CAMPANELLA, Angelo, Ph.D., Physics and Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 55+ year experience in infrared physics, military electronics, and applied physics.

CARLIN, Alan, PhD Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; BS, Physics, California Institute of Technology; senior analyst and manager, USEPA, 1971–2010; author or co-author of about 40 publications; author of Environmentalism Gone Mad: How a Sierra Club Activist and Senior EPA Analyst Discovered a Radical Green Energy Fantasy, 2015, Stairway Press.

CATANESE, Carmen, M.S., Ph.D. in physics (Yale University), Retired Exec. VP, The Sarnoff Corp (SRI),Author of 12 peer-reviewed articles in science and engineering , Holder of 12 issued US patents

CHRISTENSEN, Charles R., PhD Chemistry, California Institute of Technology. Retired Research Physicist, U.S. Army Missile Command. Seven Patents and numerous journal publications in optics and optical materials.

COLEMAN, John, BS, University of Illinois, Former Professional Member of the American Meteorological Society, Broadcast Meteorologist of the Year (1982) of the American Meteorological Society, Founder of “The Weather Channel”, original Meteorologist on ABC “Good Morning, America”, TV Meteorologist for 61 years on stations in New York, Chicago, San Diego, etc.

CONDON, William F., Ph.D., Electroanalytical Chemistry, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry (analytical and environmental), Southern Connecticut State University.

CROWE, Donald R, B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida; licensed Professional Engineer (P.E., Florida); Consulting Construction Executive; over 40 years’ experience in construction, product engineering, manufacturing, and information technology.

CUNNINGHAM, Walter; MS Degree in Physics; Physicist, RAND Corp; Astronaut, Apollo 7; Founder, Earth Awareness Foundation, 1970; Advisory Board, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (5 years); Writer and Lecturer on the global warming issue.

D’ALEO, Joseph, AMS Fellow, CCM, Chair of Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Former Professor of Meteorology/Climatology, Lyndon State College, Co-founder the Weather Channel, Chief Meteorologist, WSI, Weatherbell Analytics

D’ALONZO, Raphael P, Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Retired - the Procter & Gamble Company, former Department Head, Data Management.

DeLONG, James V., J.D., Harvard Law School, mcl; former Research Director of the Administrative Conference of the United States; former Senior Analyst, Program Evaluation Office, U.S. Bureau of the Budget; author of numerous articles on administrative law, regulatory, and environmental issues, including Climate Issues and Facts (Marshall Institute, 2015), A Skeptical Look at the Carbon Tax (Marshall Institute 2013), and Out of Bounds and Out of Control: Regulatory Enforcement at the EPA (Cato Institute 2002).

DOIRON, Harold H, PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Vice President, Engineering

(retired) InDyne, Inc. Houston, Texas, Chairman, The Right Climate Stuff Research Team of retired NASA Apollo Program scientists and engineers. Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers

DOUGLASS, David, Professor of Physics, University of Rochester.

DOYLE, Jeffrey M, PhD Resource Economics Michigan State University, President, Thermoeconomics

DRIESSEN, Paul K: BA, geology and ecology, Lawrence University; JD, environmental and natural resource law, University of Denver; author of Eco-Imperialism: Green Power - Black Death, Miracle Molecule: Carbon Dioxide, Gas of Life, and other books; author of many articles and reports on energy, mining, climate change, sustainable development, malaria control and other topics; senior policy analyst, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow and Congress of Racial Equality.

DROZ, John Jr. Physicist. Energy expert with over 35 years of environmental advocacy.

DUNN, John Dale, MD JD, Policy advisor Heartland Institute, Chicago, IL, and American Council on Science and Health, New York City, Civilian Faculty, Emergency Medicine, Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, Fort Hood, Texas, Clinical Instructor, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland. Lecturer and writer on human health effects of air pollution and climate as well as environmental law and air pollution science for 25 years.

EASTERBROOK, Don: Professor Emeritus of Geology at Western Washington University. He has studied global climate change for five decades, has written three textbooks and a dozen other books, published more than 185 papers in professional journals, and has presented 30 research papers at international meetings in 15 countries.

ENDRIZ, John Endriz, BS. (Engineering, MIT), PhD (Eng., Stanford, U), Retired VP, SDL, Inc

ENSTROM, James E., PhD, Physics; MPH, Epidemiology; Research Professor/Researcher (retired), UCLA School of Public Health, and President, Scientific Integrity Institute, Los Angeles; Life Member, American Physical Society; Founding Fellow, American College of Epidemiology; extensive scientific expertise on health effects of air pollution.

EVERETT, Bruce, Faculty Tufts University’s Fletcher School, over forty years of experience in the international energy industry.

EVERETT, Robert, Electrical Engineer, Retired President of the MITRE Corporation

FAGAN, Matthew J, PhD, B.Sc(Hons) Nuclear Physics. Founder and president of FastCAM Inc. with 17 robotic technology patents and published patent applications in the US.

FORBING, Irv, PhD in oral surgery, MS in bacteriology, College of Physicians and Surgeons in San Francisco.

FRANK, Neil, Ph.D., meteorology, Florida State University, Former Director National Hurricane Center and former Chief Meteorologist KHOU TV, CBS Houston. member, American Meteorological Society

FRANK, Patrick, Ph.D. Chemistry, Stanford University. More than 60 peer-reviewed publications, including several assessing uncertainty in the surface air temperature record and in climate model air temperature projections.

FRICKE, Martin Ph.D.: Nuclear physicist; Senior Fellow of the APS; elected to the APS Executive Panel on Public Affairs (POPA); nuclear physics research at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Corporate Officer of seven R&D companies; Extraordinary Minister of Catholic Diocese of San Diego.

FULKS, Gordon J, PhD Physics, The Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space Research at the University of Chicago. Five decades of experience studying physical, astrophysical,and geophysical phenomena for universities, government agencies, and private clients.

GAMBLIN, Rodger L, Former VP Mead Corporation. Inventor. Author or coauthor on 46 U.S. patents.

GAMOTA, George Ph.D.: Physics; former professor University of Michigan, Fellow of the APS; Fellow of the AAAS; Senior Member of the IEEE; elected to the APS Executive Panel on Public Affairs (POPA); Founding Director of Research, Department of Defense; Corporate Board member and Executive at several R&D companies; former Bedford Chief Scientist MITRE Corporation.

GERHARD, Lee C, PhD., Senior Scientist Emeritus, Univ. of Kansas, Director and State Geologist, Kansas Geological Survey (Ret.), meteorology background. Extensive published research in both geology and climate change. Honorary member, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Association of American State Geologists and others. Member Russian Academy of Natural Science (US Br.), Kansas Geologist license #1. Former Getty Professor of Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines.

GERLACH, Ulrich H., PhD Relativistic Astrophysics, Princeton University, Professor of Mathematics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

GERONDEAU, Christian, engineer and scientist,graduated from ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE in PARIS,an energy expert,the author of many books on climate matters, two of them available in English: “CLIMATE,THE GREAT DELUSION ” and “ UNITED NATIONS CLIMATE LIARS”.

GIAEVER, Ivar, Applied BioPhysics, Inc., Nobel Prize in Physics, 1973

GLATZLE, Albrecht, Agro-Biologist, Dr. sc. agr. (Hohenheim University, Germany), Director of Research of INTTAS (retired), Loma Plata Paraguay Asociación Rural del Paraguay (ARP), Society of Range Management, US Grassland Society of Southern Africa, Fellow of the Tropical Grassland Society of Australia (AUSTRALIA)

GOSSELIN, Pierre, Mechanical Engineering, author of the blog, (GERMANY)

GOULD, Laurence I, Professor of Physics, University of Hartford, Past Chair (2004), New England Section of the American Physical Society, Professor of Physics, University of Hartford, Past Chair (2004), New England Section of the American Physical Society

GRAY, William M., Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University (1961-present). Ph.D. Meteorology from U. Chicago. Tropical meteorology specialist - initiated Atlantic seasonal hurricane prediction.

GREGORY, WILLIAM D., PhD, PE, Registered Patent Agent (US); BS(physics) Georgetown University; PhD(physics), MIT; Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Health Sciences, and former Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Senior Member IEEE, Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi; author on 100+ peer reviewed articles, inventor on 100+ US and foreign patents; currently Chair of the Board and Chief Science Officer, NovaScan LLC, developer of cancer detection devices.

HAPPER, William is Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics (emeritus) at Princeton University, former Director of the Office of Energy Research Director of Research, U.S. Department of Energy, Member National Academy of Sciences

HAYDEN, Howard C, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Connecticut. Editor and Publisher, The Energy Advocate, now in 20th year of publication.

HENNIGAN,Thomas D, Environmental and Forest Biology, Associate Professor of Biology, Truett-McConnell College, Cleveland, Georgia, Ecological Society of America.

HESS, Michael L, BS Computer Information Systems, Raytheon Senior Field Engineer, Retired, U. S. Army, CW3, Retired, Florida State University

HIGGINBOTHAM, Richard, DoD Retiree, Past Member of the Defense Acquisition Regulatory Council’s Environmental Regulatory Committee MBA form American Graduate University, Covina, CA.

HUGHES, Terence J., Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences and Climate Change, University of Maine. A half-century career studying the interaction of global climate with continental ice sheets, past, present, and future, focused on inherent instabilities in ice sheets that facilitate their rapid gravitational collapse.

HUMLUM, Ole, Professor of Physical Geography, Physical Geography, Institute of Geosciences, University of Oslo (NORWAY)

IDSO, Craig: Founder and Chairman of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Geophysical Union, and the American Meteorological Society.

KARAJAS, John, retired geologist, specialist stratigrapher and sedimentologist who, as a result has gained a wide-ranging understanding of the geological history of planet earth and its climatic history.

KAUFMAN, John, Retired, Faculty of Cornell University 1973–191976 & Michigan State University 1976–1981, Research Agronomist

KEEN, Richard A., Ph.D. Climatology/Geography, University of Colorado, Emeritus Instructor of Atmospheric Science, University of Colorado, Author of 7 books and numerous reports and scientific papers on Climate and Meteorology. NWS climate change, Observer for Monsanto (retired as Science Fellow) 1981–2002 & Agrium 2003–2007.

KENDRICK, Hugh, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan; former Director, Plans & Analysis, Office of Nuclear Reactor Research, US.DOE; retired VP SAIC.

KAISER, Klaus L.E., Dr. rer. nat. (Technical University Munich, Germany), Research Scientist (retired), Natl. Water Research Institute. Author/coauthor of numerous scientific papers, author of numerous popular public press articles, author/editor of several books, Canadian

KNOX, Robert S, Ph. D., Physics and Optics, U. of Rochester,1953.Professor of Physics Emeritus, U.of Rochester, fellow, American Physical Society; charter member, American Society for Photobiology.

KRAMM, Gerhard, Dr. rer. nat.(Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany), Research Associate Professor of Meteorology (retired), author and co-author of numerous papers on meteorology and textbook co-author.

LANGNER, Carl G, PhD, Retired senior staff engineer for Shell E&P Technology Co, author or co-author of 31 patents along with numerous industry papers, member NAE

LAPOINT, Patricia A, Ph.D. Professor of Management, Author of several articles on wind energy

LEGATES, David R, Ph.D., Climatology, U of Delaware, 1988, Professor, University of Delaware, Member: AMS.

LEHR, Jay Ph.D. Science Director, The Heartland Institute, author or co-author of 35 science books relating to water, energy and the environment.

LESSER, Jonathan A, PhD, President, Continental Economics, Inc. Sandia Park, NM

LESTER, David H, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, retired consultant in Environmental Analysis and Nuclear Technology, former Asst. Vice-President SAIC, San Diego, CA, Currently Chairman of the Board of Go-Nuclear.

LINDSTROM, Richard E., Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics of Phase Changes, Professor Emeritus, University of Connecticut

LINDZEN, Richard: emeritus, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, Member of National Academy of Sciences, author of numerous papers on climate and meteorology

LIPMAN, Everett, Associate Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara

LUPO, Anthony R, Professor, Atmospheric Science, University of Missouri

LYNCH, William t, IEEE Fellow, Former Director at Semiconductor Research Corporation, Former Dept. Head of VLSI Device Technology at Bell Laboratories, Former member of the U.S. Nuclear Emergency Team #1, and a nuclear and radiation effects specialist

MACDONALD, James, M.S. Meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Retired Chief meteorologist, Travelers Research Center Weather Service, Hartford, CT. 35 years weather forecasting experience.

MALKAN, Matthew, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at UCLA. He received his PhD in Astronomy from Caltech. He is the lead author or co-author of over 350 peer-reviewed articles.

MANGINO, Martin J, Ph.D., Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University, Research Director, VCU Trauma Center, President, Virginia Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment (VA-SEEE), Richmond

MARTINIS, John, Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa


MARSH, James A, Professor of Immunology (emeritus), Department of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University

MCCALL, Gene, Ph. D., former chief scientist of Air Force Space Command and former chair of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board.

MISCOLCZI, F. M., PhD, Astrophysics, Earth Sciences, Former NASA Senior Principal Scientist. Foreign Associate Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

MILLER, Dennis D, Ph.D, Professor of Economics, Holder of the Endowed Buckhorn Chair in Economics, Baldwin Wallace University, Berea, Ohio.

MILLOY, Steven j, MHS (Biostatistics), JD, LLM. Founder & publisher,

MITCHELL, Dennis M. -Certified Public Accountant( Louisiana) and Qualified Environmental Professional( IPEP), Honorary Lifetime Member International Air & Waste Management Association

MONCKTON, Christopher,

MOORE, JOHN H., Ph.D. Economics, University of Virginia; Deputy Director, National Science Foundation, 1985–1989; President, Sigma Xi, 1998–1999; President, Grove City College, 1996–2003

MOORE, Patrick, Ph.D., Co-founder and 15-year Director of Greenpeace, B.Sc. (Honours) Biology and Forestry, Ph.D. Ecology, Co-Chair US Clean and Safe Energy Coalition 2006–2012, Chair for Ecology, Energy, and Prosperity of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy 2015. Director, CO2 Coalition.

NAGEL, Mechthild, PhD, Professor of Philosophy, Director of the Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies at the State University of New York, College at Cortland, has written on ethical issues of water rights in South Africa

NEWTON, Michael Newton, Professor Emeritus, Forest Ecology, Oregon State University.

NIKOLOV, Ned, Ph.D., Physical Scientist (with expertise in atmosphere-ecosystem interactions, vegetation remote sensing, fire-weather forecasting and climate dynamics), USDA Forest Service.

NICHOLS, Rodney, former President and Chief Executive Officer of the New York Academy of Sciences; Scholar-in-Residence at the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Executive Vice President of The Rockefeller University, R&D manager Office of the Secretary of Defense.

NUSGEN, Dr. Ursula, MSc MRCPCH FRCPath, (the MSc relates to Tropical Pediatrics) Consultant Microbiologist, Mater Private Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.

O’KEEFE, William O’Keefe, President, Solutions Consulting, former CEO George C Marshall Institute, and for Executive Vice President, American Petroleum Institute.

OSBORN, Jeffery BM, BS Geology, University of Kansas, Petroleum Engineer, Memberships in American Association of Petroleum Geologists for 34 years, and in other scientific societies.

PARISH, Trueman, PhD Chemical Engineering retired former Director of Engineering Research, Eastman Chemical Company.

PAYNE, Franklin Ed, M.D. Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor of Family, Medicine (Retired), Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA.

PERRY, Charles A, PhD, Hydrologist and Solar Physicist, formerly of USGS (retired)

PLIMER, Ian PhD, FGS, FTSE, FAIMM, Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne (Australia). Co-editor of Encyclopedia of Geology, author of Heaven and Earth (2009), How to get expelled from school (2011), Not for greens (2014) and Heaven and Hell (2015), (AUSTRALIA).

PROMBOIN, Ronald L., Ph.D. (Economics), Stanford University, Former professor of Finance and Economics, University of Maryland University College.

PRUD’HOMME, Rémy, Harvard Law School, PhD economics Un. of Paris, Formerly Deputy-Director Environment Directorate OECD, Prof emeritus Univ of Paris, Visiting Professor MIT, Most recent book: Warmism as an Ideology – Soft

Science, Hard Doctrine (FRANCE)

QUENEAU, Paul B, Adjunct Professor, Colorado School of Mines; Principal Metallurgical Engineer and President, The Bear Group, PB Queneau & Associates Inc.

QUIRK, Thomas W. D.Phil. Nuclear physicist and former Fellow of three

Oxford Colleges. Published papers on methane, ocean changes, wind power, nuclear fuel cycle and psychology, behavioural economics and climate

change (AUSTRALIA)

RIGANATI, John P., PhD Electrical Engineering, retired Vice President Sarnoff Corporation, former member Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, cofounder The Journal of Supercomputing & IEEE Computation in Science and Engineering, 70 publications.

RITTAUD Benoît, Ph.D: mathematics, Paris–13 university, Sorbonne-Paris-Cité, associate professor, essayist. Most recent book: The Exponential Fear (La Peur exponentielle, Paris, PUF, 2015), (FRANCE).

ROGERS, Norman: founder of Rabbit Semiconductor Company, member of the American Geophysical Union and the American Meteorological Society.

ROMBOUGH, Charles T, Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, Founder and President of CTR Technical Services, Inc., a nuclear consulting firm, Manitou Springs, Colorado.

RUTAN, Burt, aerospace engineer, designer of Voyager and SpaceShipOne.

RUST, James H, PhD, Professor of nuclear engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (retired), Atlanta, Georgia

SCAFETTA, Nicola, Ph.D, Professor of Oceanography and Atmospheric Science, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, Former research scientist of Physics at Duke University. 87 Publications in complex systems and climate change (ITALY)

SCHMITT, Harrison, Geologist, Astronaut, Former U.S. Senator, Former Chair NASA Advisory Council

SHAVIV, Nir J, Professor of Physics, Chairman, Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (ISRAEL)

SHEAHEN, Thomas P, B.S. and Ph.D. in Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research career in energy sciences, including Demand-Side Management (Energy Conservation); author of book Introduction to High-Temperature Superconductivity; measured infrared absorption by CO2 and H2O.

SINGER, S. Fred, PhD. Emeritus Prof of Envir Sciences, U of VA. Founding director, US Weather Satellite Service; former Vice Chm, Nat’l Advis Comm

on Oceans and Atmosphere. Fellow, AAAS, AGU, APS, AIAA. Founding chm of NIPCC. Co-author of NYT best-seller Unstoppable Global Warming

SOON, Willie, Scientist.

SPENCER, Roy W, PhD, Principal Research Scientist, University of Alabama in Huntsville

STEWARD, H. Leighton: Geologist, environmentalists, and Chairman of Plants Need

TAYLOR, George, Ph.D. Computer Science, U.C. Berkeley

TESDORF, Nicholas, B.Arch.(Hons) Architecture, Architect, F.R.A.I.A. A.R.I.B.A., Sydney NSW / London England , University of Melbourne (AUSTRALIA)

TRIMBLE, Stanley W, Emeritus Professor, UCLA. Over the past 42 years, author, coauthor, or editor of 9 books on environmental issues in water including ENVIRONMENTAL HYDROLOGY (2013, 2015) and THE ENCYLOPEDIA OF WATER SCIENCE (2007), plus about 100 scientific papers, many published in SCIENCE.

VALENTINE, Brian G, US Department of Energy, Associate Professor of Engineering ,University of Maryland at College Park

VAN LOON, Harry, PhD, Meteorology and Climatology, formerly of NCAR

VARENHOLT, Fritz, Ph.D., Professor of the University of Hamburg, Department pf Chemistry, former Senator of the State of Hamburg, Germany, author of the Book, The neglected sun, CEO of the German Wildlife Foundation.

VELASCO HERRERA, Victor Manuel, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Institute of Geophysics, Space Science (GERMANY)

THOMPSON, David E., PhD Mechanical Engineering, Professor and Dean Emeritus, College of Engineering, the University of Idaho. Published Design Analysis, Mathematical Modeling of Nonlinear Systems (Cambridge Press, 1988).

WALLACE, Lance, PhD Astrophysics, 100 publications, mostly on human exposure to environmental pollutants, founding member of International Society of Exposure Science and International Society for Indoor Air and Climate (ISIAQ), member of AAAS and AAAR.

WEINSTEIN, Leonard, ScD, Aerospace Engineering, B.Sc Physics. Former NASA Senior Research Scientist and former Senior Research Fellow, National Institute of Aerospace, retired after 51 years research. Associate fellow AIAA, Recipient of AIAA Engineer of the year, and numerous other awards.

WERNER, Samuel A, Curators’ Professor of Physics Emeritus, University of Missouri and Guest Researcher, Neutron Physics Group, NIST, Fellow APS, AAAS, NSSA

WHITSETT, Bob, Ph.D., geophysicist, ret. Former Special Projects Manager, CGG American Services

WOLFE, Danley B., PhD - Chemical Engineering (Ohio State University, tau beta pi), MBA - University of Chicago Graduate School of Business (beta gamma sigma); energy and chemicals research and business management; management consultant, President - Chem Energy Advisors

WOLFRAM, Thomas, physicist, former Chairman of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri-Columbia, Fellow of the American Physical Society, and retired Director of Division of Physical Technology,Amoco Corporation.

WOOD, Peter, President, National Association of Scholars.

WYSMULLER, Thomas, (NASA Ret.) 2013 “Water Day” chair, UNESCO-IHE (Delft, NL); 2015 “Sea-Level presenter” at (Varna, Bulgaria); 2016 Sea-Level chair at Symmetrion, (Vienna, Austria), Founding member, NASA TRCS Climate Group, Johnson Space Center (Houston, TX).

YOUNG, S. Stanley, PhD, Statistics and Genetics, CEO of CGStat, Adjunct Professor of Statistics, North Carolina State University, University of British Columbia and University of Waterloo, Fellow of American Statistical Association and AAAS, 3 patents; over 60 papers; six “best paper” awards.

ZYBACH, Bob, PhD, Environmental Sciences, Historical ecologist with long-term research focus on Pacific Northwest catastrophic wildfires and reforestation history, more than 200 popular articles, editorials, presentations, reports and media interviews.


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I wonder if he has always "supported the US House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology," even before the Committee became anti-science.... or only after.

By Desertphile (not verified) on 19 Jan 2016 #permalink

How thoughtful of the deniers to out themselves like that all together. All it needs is a ribbon and a bow. (Christy and Curry aren't among the signatories shown, if anyone is looking.)

I suspect the mean age of the signatories is close to 70, and that fewer than one in five could lay any claim to being a climate scientist of any stripe.

The rumor this morning (via Facebook) is that Dr. Mann might ask a few hundred thousand scientists to sign a similar letter---- only a pro-science letter, from scientists who are concerned about the US House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology's war against science and reason.

By Desertphile (not verified) on 19 Jan 2016 #permalink

In reply to by Magma (not verified)

@ Desertphile

If so, it would be nice to see that number pass one million. But that might be unrealistic.

I counted 12 individuals out of the 145 who appeared to have clearly self-identified themselves as being involved in meteorology, climatology, or atmospheric science. That would be less than 1%. Spencer doesn't self identify as a climatologist, and I guess that makes sense. I am embarrassed to say that one of my chemistry profs is listed. As I remember, he had worked for the petroleum industry before becoming a professor. Not much of a surprise there. Lot of economists in the list! A number of people do not have clear listings of any sort of science credentials.

Pretty weak list IMO.

@ cosmiccomics

I was specifically looking for climate scientists.

Roy Spencer was there, as was Richard Lindzen. Not to mention, uh, hmm... this is awkward. Well, there's Roy Spencer and Richard Lindzen.

@ Desertphile

I would definitely sign a letter from Dr Mann.

By Raucous Indignation (not verified) on 19 Jan 2016 #permalink

Sad to see so many jasons sucked into O'keefe's superconducting crank magnet.

The rumor this morning (via Facebook) is that Dr. Mann might ask a few hundred thousand scientists to sign a similar letter—- only a pro-science letter, from scientists who are concerned about the US House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s war against science and reason.

The very point that I was going to raise. I'm pleased to hear that it might already be in the works.

It's past time to explicitly put one's name to either supporting or denying the science. Future generations will want to know who to laud and who to hold responsible for what's coming.

It's just a matter of whether one chooses the correct side.

By Bernard J. (not verified) on 19 Jan 2016 #permalink

You could add Patrick Michaels and maybe even Pielke Sr. A list of rejected or refuted papers would probably reveal more.

My point is that the category "good technical people" doesn't categorize.

By cosmicomics (not verified) on 19 Jan 2016 #permalink

There's another use for that list of names of denialists: to set up a "Wanted!" website with their names, contact info, and face photos, to solicit various forms of peaceful and creative protest directed against each of them.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but these people are contributing to something that will ultimately end up causing more casualties than the Holocaust by a couple of decimal places at minimum.

They deserve all the moral opprobrium that can be sent their way, including up close & personal with noisy crowds with signs, on the sidewalks in front of where they live and work. That may sound "rude," but it's nothing compared to what they really deserve, which is to be put on trial at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

No more playing Nice with people who are the moral equivalent of Nazis.

I assume that is the same Will Happer who said

"The demonization of carbon dioxide is just like the demonization of the poor Jews under Hitler."

during an interview on CNBC in 2014.
If so, what does it say about people who are willing to agree with him after a statement like that?

And contrarians always insist that 'there's no such thing as organised denial'.

Hmm ... 144 names on the list. Would that be a gross of deniers?

By Keith Pickering (not verified) on 20 Jan 2016 #permalink

#12 G - If you wanted to provide ammunition for the denialists, I think that you may have succeeded. I strongly disagree with your proposed tactics because they are ultimately just harassment and end up turning the rotten tomato battle into a rock fight. No, let's start with a massive letter campaign and see what we can accomplish there first.

So how do wrong ideas capture people who are otherwise reported to be intelligent? Can we be similarly caught by such things? A few ideas come immediately to mind for how these sort of things happen.

Allowing oneself to be misled by “nice” people in your tribe. Failure to reality check.
Belief in one's infallibility.Overly high self regard or self esteem. Mistakenly believing that one's expertise in one area is transferable to everything else in the universe.

Tiredness, Intellectual laziness, Senility,
Wrong assumptions, Wrong data/ information,

Rigidity, Lack of imagination,

Devil's advocacy for the hell of it,

Friendship, Peer Pressure, Tribe Loyalty,Tribe values,

Arrogance, Psychopathy,

Inability to face the enormity of one's error due to the horror of it, the embarrassment of it, the need to save face,

Emotional barriers not otherwise specified.

So, will the science tribe get its act together and start working together towards some basic principles for the prevention of societal woo disorders? Or will we continue to be victims of our own and others' reptilian thinking modes? We live in interesting times. But it would be a much better time to live if we could rally to important causes more effectively. We certainly need to work on our technique in that regard.

SteveP, you've forgotten the one I think is the most powerful of all: Fear.

I think nothing makes a person more vulnerable to manipulation, or provides a better fulcrum for malevolent forces to lever one into self-destructive behavior than Fear.

It is the core of the denier's motivation to deny. It is the core "value" (or foundation of the values) of the right-wing parties. It's the tool that right-wing bosses use to corral and manipulate their faithful -- even to keep the faithful faithful.

How are masses of people (parties, nations, cultures, tribes, etc.) successfully "herded" and made to conform to societal norms, political correctness, voting strategies, financial support, and even correct thought?

Fear. Creating it, currying it, shaping it, directing it, propagandizing it, spreading it, demonstrating the validity of it and the consequences of ignoring it. Instill Fear in your targets and then maintain that Fear and use it to gain money, votes, power -- minds.

It is so powerful, it can cause people to see white and call it black -- and believe that. It can cause people to make choices and take actions that are demonstrably harmful to themselves, their children, their futures. It is blinding, stupefying, disabling.

The Right has been studying how the Nazis learned all this, and have taken to improving on it, building up an army of automatons in society that feed them with money & power.

Faux Newz & the right-wing radio monkeys constantly blare out their propaganda that all have one thing in common: instilling, spreading, and stoking fear, and one of its consequent signs, anger, in the minds of its listeners.

Then they offer the "salvation" from that fear/anger: Their solution, along with the admonition that "the other side" will make things worse (more fear). They, and they alone have the palliative that will allay the Fear. Listen and follow -- stop thinking critically, as that will not save you. Obey and be saved, or you will be lost!

By Brainstorms (not verified) on 20 Jan 2016 #permalink

I think the problem of climate change denialism is a problem that will solve itself one funeral at a time.

By John Palkovic (not verified) on 20 Jan 2016 #permalink

Likely it will need mass graves... Sans funerals. One flood or good-sized storm can kill thousands in a day.

By Brainstorms (not verified) on 20 Jan 2016 #permalink

#18 Brainstorms Regarding your comments on fear as a major factor in erroneous decisions: A number of the hypothetical causes for choosing an erroneous answer that I posed are fear based ( like fear of peer pressure) and I suppose that if you dig down deep enough, you can probably find a fear based avoidance mechanism in just about every one of those examples.

The fact that authoritarians tend to be on the wrong side of this argument, and the fact that authoritarians tend to be enmeshed in fear driven philosophies is not insignificant.

It would be interesting to know how many of our suppositions about power elites using nefarious techniques are correct, but that information is probably not likely to be made known now or ever. Our inability to penetrate the back rooms of the power elite may just go a long way towards explaining why the science community, despite the might and reach of science, can't successfully deliver the message about climate change to a large chunk of the populace. We do seem to be fighting shadowy mass manipulators who are experts at manipulating fear and other emotions among the general public. Not a happy thought.

Droz is an eager-beaver conduit.
This originates with Will Happer.…
"Physics professor William Happer GS ’64 has some tough words for scientists who believe that carbon dioxide is causing global warming.

“This is George Orwell. This is the ‘Germans are the master race. The Jews are the scum of the earth.’ It’s that kind of propaganda,” Happer, the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, said in an interview. “Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Every time you exhale, you exhale air that has 4 percent carbon dioxide. To say that that’s a pollutant just boggles my mind. What used to be science has turned into a cult.”"

and Happer has done these silly pettions before, with some of the same people, lots of Heartland speakers and Experts.

By John Mashey (not verified) on 20 Jan 2016 #permalink

So how do wrong ideas capture people who are otherwise reported to be intelligent?

Kevin Anderson says what a lot of my colleagues and I have suggested for years - even the best of us look at the PDFs with unjustified optimism. I've lost count of how many times I've been accused of pessimism, and responded by saying that I am simply an objectivist.

By Bernard J. (not verified) on 20 Jan 2016 #permalink

[Ah, crap. But you get the idea.]

So how do wrong ideas capture people who are otherwise reported to be intelligent?

Kevin Anderson says what a lot of my colleagues and I have suggested for years - even the best of us look at the PDFs with unjustified optimism. I've lost count of how many times I've been accused of pessimism, and responded by saying that I am simply an objectivist.

By Bernard J. (not verified) on 20 Jan 2016 #permalink

# 24 John Mashey. So, Happer is one of the spark plugs. Interesting. Dr. Happer is apparently unfamiliar with or deceitful about hypercapnia, the toxic lethal condition that can occur when the air we inhale has around double the concentration of carbon dioxide in normal breath. But since none of the discussion of climate change in any way imputes direct human toxicity to carbon dioxide at or near the 400 ppm level, Happer's argument has to be either one of the dumbest / and or most disingenuous arguments in the denialist arsenal. We all know that Happer is ignoring the thermal pollution problem, and the acidity problem, and he really appears to need some severe schooling on these issues.

In view of the fact that Dr. Happer was made the director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science under G.H.W.Bush, he could well serve as the poster child for my list of reasons why smart people go off the beam.
*Allowing oneself to be misled by “nice” people in your tribe. (G.H.W. Bush (oil man) was nice to Happer, Happer owes him. )
*Failure to reality check.
*Belief in one’s infallibility.Overly high self regard or self esteem. Mistakenly believing that one’s expertise in one area is transferable to everything else in the universe.
*Tiredness, Intellectual laziness, Senility?
*Wrong assumptions, Wrong data/ information.
*Rigidity, Lack of imagination.
*Devil’s advocacy for the hell of it.
*Friendship, Peer Pressure, Tribe Loyalty,Tribe values.
*Arrogance, Psychopathy?
*Inability to face the enormity of one’s error due to the horror of it, the embarrassment of it, the need to save face.

Is Dr. Happer suffering from inclusion in just about every one of the categories listed? I think he is.

Actually, Bush likely had little to do with it...
1) Read merchants of Doubt, or see the movie.
2) Consider Frederick Seitz, RObert jastrow and William Nierenberg.
3) See tale of the APS2009 petition.
p.2009 has the list, note that X were not signers, but important for the social network.

"Another Strong Group connection is J (JASON), some subset of whom spends a month together each year working on problems for the US government: Historically, most JASONs have been physicists, and thus likely APS members. The 4 JASON signers (Happer, Lewis, Katz, LeLevier) would together know most other JASONs, including Nierenberg, but most JASONs are not signers. Many Strong Groups exist for other reasons, not advocacy, but people know each well."

Se p.22, note Happer codes Jdk JASON and
Nierenberg codes JEdk: JASON

See Wikipedia on JASONs:
In chronological order:
Marvin Leonard Goldberger (1960-1966)[8]
Harold Lewis (1966-1973)
Kenneth Watson
Edward A. Frieman
Richard Garwin[9]
William Nierenberg
William Happer (1987-1990) ..."

By John Mashey (not verified) on 21 Jan 2016 #permalink