It is not easy being green

The latest in GMO technology: Photosynthesizing Human Beans!

This is silly, but makes some good points. May be good for teachers in your biology class:

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The GMO debate hosted by Intelligent Squared was excellent and informative. I admit I learned things from listening and that's always a bonus, but it's worth watching to see the "respectable" arguments against GMO posed and dealt with very effectively by the pro-side in this debate. Spoiler alert,…
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A job for Super CRIPR :)

By Douglas Alder (not verified) on 30 Aug 2016 #permalink

We've (Hobson Prior) just released our first installment of our Global mobility report – Part 1: Global mobility in life sciences – we explore the motives behind international career moves, and ask if the reality lives up to expectations. We also investigate the top destinations in Europe, which countries pay the most, and what support you can expect from an employer if you choose to move abroad for a job.

We thought you may like a copy and it can be found here;


Blog article:…

Please feel free to share.

By Paul Fleming (not verified) on 01 Sep 2016 #permalink