Accidental Explosions

The fiery history of blowing shit up mostly accident but then discovering something good. Generally, good for blowing stuff up, but with purpose.

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A university is a self-perpetuating oligarchy. A university chooses its own members, restricts membership, and governs from self-selected internal member promotion. QED Ok, so this a somewhat platonic abstraction of a private university, and the selection is from the meta-pool of members of the…
Not long ago, I booklogged Odyssey, the latest of Jack McDevitt's Archeologists in Spaaaace books. When I picked that up, I also grabbed a paperback copy of Seeker, the latest in his other series of novels, these ones about, well, antiquities dealers in spaaaace. I don't believe I've booklogged the…
JAMA has an article on the history of continuing medical education (CME).  Annoyingly, they did not make it one of the open-access articles, so they don't get a link.  However, there are some telling excerpts and some good commentary over at href="…
Spinning off a blog at Inside Higher Ed, the Dean Dad has a post on deciding what classes are essential: My personal sense of it is that the distinction between core and periphery is largely a function of purpose. If your goal in life is to be an exhibited artist, then you might well decide that…