Guys. There may be times when you feel your wife or long-term girlfriend has been sleeping with another man. You may suspect she is even pregnant from this activity, and you are not the father. There is a way to fix this, using traditional medicines and some magic, so that your wife/girlfriend will have a spontaneous abortion if you are not the father of the child. You will need an ancient Canaanite or Hebrew priest to help mix up the concoction, and you have to go find The Lord himself (Plan ahead! He is not always available!) to help out as well, but overall, the procedure is not that…
JH at Linux in Exile got a new laptop with the wrong version of Windows installed on it. So he had his tech department wipe the drive and install a new version of Windows, and they kept track of how that went. Then, JH installed Fedora 13 on the same computer. Here is a description of the outcome of that test.
In order to understand this: You'll have to watch this: Why am I reminded of this? Yep, the ol' meme still has some life in it, by god.
... maybe.... Not in a black hole, where it is supposed to constitute the 'evaporation' of photons across the hole's event horizon, but rather, in a refractive index perturbation style event horizon, in the lab. It is made in glass. ... researchers using a CCD camera detected a peculiar kind of photon emission at a 90-degree angle to the glass. ... researchers arranged the experiment in a way to strongly suppress or eliminate other types of radiation. "Experimental evidence of photon emission that on one hand bears the characteristics of Hawking radiation and on the other is distinguishable…
Two songs with the same exact tune and the same exact ... level of abject horror!!!!! ... AND .... Please do not forget how utterly fucking scary the prospect was. Also, please don't forget what you did to avoid that. Oh, in case you don't remember: You voted. You need to do that again this year.
Robert Edwards of Britain won the 2010 Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for the development of in-vitro fertilization, a breakthrough that has helped millions of infertile couples to have children. "His achievements have made it possible to treat infertility, a medical condition afflicting a large proportion of humanity including more than 10 percent of all couples worldwide," the medicine prize committee in Stockholm said in its citation. more
I always assumed that "The Mouse that Roared" was a not too subtle reference to Sputnik I, which was launched on this date in 1957. The satellite was the first human made machine to orbit the planet, and it was launched by the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War. In some ways, Sputnik's tiny "beep beep beep" sound heard radiometrically (but mostly metaphorically) in the west, from a Soviet-launched device flying over whatever countries the Soviets decided to launch it over ... was the most frightening sound ever heard in the Situation Room (or the 1957 equivalent thereof) at the…
Sorry, Saint Peters College has removed this video from YouTube so youall could ... I don't know ... not watch it, I guess.
Blow the fold Hat tip SP
We [had a cool summer here in Minnesota in 2009], and this has brought out the miscreants who for their own reasons do not want to get on board with the simple, well demonstrated scientific fact that global temperatures have risen, that we humans are the primary cause, and that this climate change has negative consequences. ~ A Repost ... Because Global Warming is still real, as is Global Warming Denialism ~ There are probably different reasons people do not want to get on board with this reality. The main reason especially for younger individuals is that they have been told by their…
Owing to Fear of Fatwa ... From the Daily Cartoonist: Universal Uclick has confirmed that several papers (upwards of 20) have asked for a replacement for this Sunday's Non Sequitur because it mentions the word "Muhammad." The cartoon by Wiley Miller depicts a lazy, sunny park scene with the caption, "Picture book title voted least likely to ever find a publisher... 'Where's Muhammad?'" Characters in the park are buying ice cream, fishing, roller skating, etc. No character is depicted as even Middle Eastern.... more Just so you know: There is no sect of Islam that prohibits the use of…
Here's the trailer:
Nazi Holocaust: 1939 - 1945 War crimes trials: Fall 1945 DR Congo genocide: 1996-1997 War crimes trials: Still thinking about it. I guess that brackets the range of potential variation. (Note: This does not refer to the other, related genocide of Tutsi, for which trials have taken place.)