Well, since he has that direct god connection and all, he must have... The detention of an 83-year-old priest in Brazil for allegedly abusing boys as young as 12 has added to the scandals hitting the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America, even as Chile's bishops asked pardon Tuesday for past cases. The allegations against Monsignor Luiz Marques Barbosa -- and two other Brazilian priests -- have made headlines throughout the world's most populous Catholic nation and come amid accusations of sexual abuse by priests around the world. source
... crazies ask for death to South Park authors ... Oh, here's a picture of Muhammad I found on the Internet. Ooops. Was I not supposed to do that?
A FORMER vicar-general in the archdiocese of Munich has claimed that he was pressurised last month into taking the blame for a mistake made 30 years ago by the then Archbishop of Munich, Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict), concerning the case of a paedophile priest. Fr Gerhard Gruber has now said he did so only after coming under huge pressure from unnamed Catholic Church sources to take responsibility, so as to "take the pope out of the firing line". Story here I'd like to comment more, but I've been told to shut up in matters of the Pope. Well, not really. The truth is that I've not…
Nearly Extinct Tree gets new lease, Elephants invade South America, Python on Wall Street. There is a species of tree in New Zealand that has only one individual in the wild. They thought it was a female, but it turns out that there are individuals (among those cultivated by gardeners) that seem to have some kind of male parts anyway, and it is possible now to re-establish the species in the wild. Originally, the tree, Pennantia baylisiana, was nearly wiped out because of goats released into their previously goat-free habitat. Keep an eye on this story. Interesting things may develop.…
H/T: Cara
There will be a Linux based iPad equivalent (I hesitate to say clone for obvious reasons), and it will have touch-technology on the 'screen." Mostly, it will have this technology because when people started touching their computers ... that way ... Linux developers fashioned software so it could be done in Linux too. But, nonetheless, it now appears that Synaptics, the makers of the "gesture library" that is widely used to make touch screens work, have made it possible to use it with Linux distros. Nom nom nom (that's the sound of Linux programmers eating this up). More
Dear Texas Board of Education, I have substantial concerns that the social studies standards proposed by the Texas State Board of Education are not in the best interest of students and are not based on the recommendations of respected academics in the field. These standards place our children in a predicament. The board should reassess whether these changes are in the best interest of our children. Signed, YOU ... click here.. ...
GOP Leader Lies About Bank Reform Bill on CNN... Party line vote does not equal partisan, if one party predetermines a nay vote on ever single freakin' bill. Moron. And so on. Anyway, enjoy the ranting.
Religious right to judge: "Shut Up."
... often involves partisans flailing about with statistics they don't necessarily understand. Lets look instead at two individual cases. This: http://wcco.com/crime/elderly.woman.shoots.2.1644974.html is an example of a home owner using a gun to ward off an intruder. But it really isn't, is it? This http://wcco.com/topstories/intruder.shot.and.2.363267.html is an example of a home owner with a gun killing an innocent person. On the second story, I'll add that the victim (as in the one who got shot and killed) was a 17 year old kid named Anthony James Parks. He used to live about a half…
Just another stupid youtube video ... Hat tip: Miss Cellania
Keith Elam (July 17, 1966 - April 19, 2010[1]), better known by his stage name Guru, was an American rapper and member of the hip-hop duo Gang Starr. Born in the Boston neighborhood of Roxbury,[2]. The name Guru is a backronym that stands for Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal and the less often used God is Universal; he is the Ruler Universal, which are both references to the teachings of the Nation of Gods and Earths. source
On April 20th, 1999, at the Columbine High School in Colorado, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, shot to death 12 students, one teacher, and themselves. Twenty-one others were wounded by them, and additional individuals were wounded while escaping the massacre. Columbine . They also injured 21 other students directly, and three people were injured while attempting to escape. Columbine currently ranks as the fourth deadliest school massacre, but it remains the deadliest event of its kind in the US. (The three deadlier massacres were very different in numerous ways and should not be placed…
Our words: "They fall on the serious and the delerious alike. They fall on the connected and the unhinged alike." Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Are you going to be finishing all of that mastodon meat? Cost of Modern Medicine, Insurance Reform, and Death in the Paleolithic Two months ago, I fell on the ice, was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, got emergency surgery, and two/three days later was released from the hospital. The paperwork I waas handed on my release indicated that the costs to that point were $20,000 US (all covered). I estimate that this injury will cost, medically speaking only, about another ten grand, so the total cost of this injury is going to be, let's say, $30,000. A few weeks later, a tooth crown that I…
Today is the fifteenth anniversary of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh with an assist from three others. That bombing was carried out in part as retaliation by McVeigh for a percieved slight at Ruby Ridge in 1992. That bombing is an example of the material outcome of hate speech of the kind we are seeing increasingly today by Republicans, Teabaggers and the like. One hundred and sixty eight people were killed by McVeigh and his right-wing conspirators, including 19 little children (there was a day care center at the facility…
Global People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth Beginning Monday, April 19th, some 15,000 people from around the world along with representatives of 70 governments, mainly from Least Developed Countries, will meet in Cochabamba, Bolivia, for the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth. The conference will be an unprecedented event bringing countries affected by climate change together with experts and activists working to find solutions. "The main point of the conference is to convince developed countries to make and meet…