We've got to impeach this moron. Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy The reason we have such a moron as governor seems to be that the Minnesota "Democratic Party" is organized in such a way that we usually end up pitting two Democrats against one Republican. We can't do that next time. Seriously.
One of the senior planners of the attacks on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania a few years back is reported killed by US special operations troops in a raid that happened earlier today in Somalia. Here's a link to a story with some detail, but obviously not caught up yet.
A better version could be found here: Eve Of Destruction (Stereo)
YOU LIE!!!! Once again, Republicans have been caught at their own game. You all know there was a big shindig in DC on September 12th to protest the blackness of our president, the liberalosity of our congress, the intelligence of the new policies such as Cash for Clunkers and Saving the Economy's Ass and so on. Well conservative yahoos have been passing around, blogging, twittering, and jerking off to a photograph showing a ZILLION people at the Washington Mall. Clearly this photograph shows the BIGGEST gathering of Amerkan Cit-sins EVAH overwhelmingly indicating that The People ...…
It has been said that civility is an excellent conversation stopper. And it can be, because demanding civility has been a way to control or limit the voice of alterity or the unprivileged. When it comes to Joe Wilson's now-infamous shouted remark at the joint session, the question arises as to whether the tone or style of this act was the important issue, or whether the meaning or content of what he said ... the truth of his "You lie!" ... is what should be focused on. In my view, the answer is: Both, neither, and you are missing the point. I offer the following: 1) His incivility at this…
Someone lied. A zillion times.
No problem. They can be taken care of by animal loving atheists. We are a group of dedicated animal lovers, and atheists. Each Eternal Earth-Bound Pet representative is a confirmed atheist, and as such will still be here on Earth after you've received your reward. Our network of animal activists are committed to step in when you step up to Jesus. ... Our representatives have been screened to ensure that they are atheists, animal lovers, are moral / ethical with no criminal background, have the ability and desire to rescue your pet and the means to retrieve them and ensure their care for…
This week, Allison Vivas of Pink Visual received a fax from Newt Gingrich's American Solutions for Winning the Future (ASWF) group, informing her that she's been chosen for a 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year award by his Business Defense and Advisory Council Pink Visual is aparently a porn superstore, and once the conservatives found that out, they retracted the award. When they invited Allison to dinner with New at the Capitol Hill Club, THEY LIED!!!!! Details here.
... Or so I'm told. Chris Holmlund says of "Creation" in an email: "The film was chosen to open the Toronto Film Festival and has its British premiere on Sunday. It has been sold in almost every territory around the world, from Australia to Scandinavia. However, US distributors have resolutely passed on a film which will prove hugely divisive in a country where, according to a Gallup poll conducted in February, only 39 % of Americans believe in the theory of evolution." Here's a trailer:
Norman Borlaug, of the University of Minnesota, DuPont and the Rockefeller Foundation has died in Texas at the age of 95. You may well owe your life to Borlaug. Prof Borlaug won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for agricultural innovation and the development of high-yield crops. The Green Revolution helped world food production more than double between 1960 and 1990 with Asia, Africa and Latin America in particular benefiting. The Nobel Institute said he had helped save hundreds of millions of lives. Prof Borlaug died late on Saturday evening at his home in Dallas from complications with…
If you check my you-tube account and look at videos I've "liked" or "added" or whatever, ignore that. I've only ever added one (by Ana) and all the others are random click events. If you ever want me to join a Facebook cause or group, send me an email asking me to do that. I routinely go through all the requests and click "no" or whatever really fast. Every now and then I realize I just clicked into oblivion something I might actually like to join or support but it is usually too late. If you are not my facebook friend, then WTF???? I've been experimenting with Amazon Widgets here (in the…
Wilson's outburst was designed by the GOP corporate PR fronts to distract media coverage following Obama's cogent and compelling remarks to Congress. Speculation here.
Of Creation, starring Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connolly, Scott says: I believe it to be a thoughtful, well-made film that will change many views of Darwin held by the public - for the good. The acting is strong, the visuals are wonderful, and it treats with loving care the Victorian details of the furnishings at Down house and other sites (such as Malvern), and the local church. The movie takes place after Darwin has returned from the Beagle voyage, and has settled down with his wife, Emma. It concentrates on their relationship, on the growth of their family, and of course, on the…
You are 50 years old today!
Dave Mabus sent me this along with a threatening e-mail with a subject line I've used as the title of this post. The email was cc'ed to me, but meant of PZ Myers, and it says: Hey PZ Myers, you little fool... Just wanted to let you know this has been posted on every forum of the internet. Some good came out of you after all. They will remember your ugly blaspheming head forever! Good riddance.... If you comment on this post, I recommend you do not include a link-back because Dave will mine it for your email address and from now on you will get an obnoxious emails like this too. The emails…
Geraldo is asking Michele Bachmann to take her hyperbole down a notch. That's funny. Huckabee blames Obama for Wilson's Remarks. Anne Coulter claims that Michele Bachmann is her fave. hat tip DMB Oh, and confirmed: Wilson's outburst WAS an act of racism.
Go to a large family gathering. (Or a similar gathering. Borrow someone else's large family if you don't have one.) When somebody decides you are all going to pray together with bowed heads, start to bow your head so everybody else sees you doing it, but after everyone's heads are supposed to be bowed, unbow your head. Have a look around. You will find yourself looking at a few other people who are also looking around. Those are the other atheists. Introduce yourself after the prayer, and then you can make arrangements for an orgy or a baby-roast or something.