... Over the Dead." "Hey, you can be so stupid sometimes," chimed in another of the guys. "That's a monkey tooth. I'm sure of it. Of course, how would you know, since you've never been close to a monkey!" At Quiche Moraine
Marilyn Monroe and Tony Curtis .... in her brentwood home, on this day in 1962. She was 36 years old. A concerned housekeeper called doctors to the scene, who were forced to break into her bedroom. This was in the days when you could call a doctor to the scene, and no special group of people (like fire fighters) was particularly well trained or equipped to break into someone's bedroom .... people were kinda generalists in this area back then. Read more here.
The man who entered an LA Fitness aerobics class and killed three women and shot many others legally purchased the two Glock 9 mm guns that he used. This makes him the current poster child for banning the sales of handguns in the US. Now. Not just one gun a month max, not just guns to people who are not known to be nutjobs. I'm talking about stopping all handgun sales now, without exceptions. The National Rifle Association disagrees with me. But who cares? The National Rifle Association also told Congress to not allow Sonia Sotomayor to be appointed to the supreme court, but it looks…
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Health Care Reform is no longer designed to kill old people. Now, "Obamacare" will mandate free sex change surgery! ... Well, I've always wondered what it would be like.... Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
This is a follow-up on the TED talk I just posed. These are my reactions in real time as I watched the video: We start off with a very inaccurate statement that we are not interested in the chimp-human differences. It is, in fact, all we palaeoanthropologists think about. She overemphasizes the difference to say that they are total, but yes, there are differences. She makes the error of implying that "something" happened (when it would well have been a lot of things that happened over time, or some other pattern of change) She correctly identifies the "coming out of the trees" and…
Coincidentally, this appeared over night in my inbox. My critique of it is here.
..that even when you try diligently to separate the politics of religion vs. creationism and to say again and again that religion can go along its merry way as long as it stays out of the science classroom, people like Casey Luskin will still find the words in your rhetoric to accuse you of attacking religion. Back in May, Genie Scott appeared with me and Lynn Fellman on Atheist Talk Radio, where we discussed science education. Genie is the director of the National Center for Science Education. In a recent posting on the Discovery Institute web site, Casey Luskin makes the contrast between…
This has come up a couple of times recently, so I thought I'd summarize the information here. The distribution of water on Earth in cubic kilometers Salt water: 1,318,062,462 Glaciers: 28,005,430 Groundwater: 12,270,210 Lakes: 106,396 Swamps: 13,452 Rivers: 2,446 Vapor: 13,000 Biological: 1,120 (Biological means like your spit and guts and all the juicy parts of worms and tree saps and water in bacteria and stuff.) USGS Wikipedia What happens if all that glacial ice melts and ends up in the ocean? Play with this for a while to get an idea. The maximum rise in sea…
The Forest County Potawatomi Community have been very involved in environmental activism both within their own community and more broadly. They helped curtail environmentally destructive mining at Crandon Mine. They got their reservation registered as a Class I zone under the Clean Air Act and have pressured the Bush EPA to stand by Class I rules. The tribe funds research in metal and other pollutants. And, they now have a web site called "End global warming Wisconsin" which you can visit here.
The 'documentary' (or, actually, "stupidumentary") Expelled! No intelligence allowed ... bla bla bla ... coordinated with this release will be a novel called Fossil Hunter, by John Olson (obviously a made up name) ... bla bla bla ... which is about a scientist who is maligned and harassed by the rest of the scientific community because she questions evolutionary dogma. Never mind that. This is a link to a recently released review of a book from last year. You can go comment on the review, if you like! Here, you read about it, I'm going to take a nap: When Dr. James leads an expedition into…
Elwyn Tinklenerg has withdrawn his bid in the race for Michele Bachmann's seat in congress. Tinklenberg had run against Bachmann last time around, and carried out what started as a rather Quixotic race against the then very entrenched Bachmann, but received a great deal of extra funding and support when Bachmann made a name for herself by calling for an investigation for un-American activities of everyone in congress who disagreed with her. But that push, as substantial as it was, came to late in the game, and Bachamann does represent a district consisting primarily of Cave Men and Tray-…
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy I would like to add to this report by Maddow that it is also the case that Cash for Clunkers is also being used by the Republicans as the reason to not pass health care reform. How does that work?
IF, if fact this IS your birthday.
We expect a press conference from the State Department any moment now, so you may want to tune in your radios if you are following this story. Bill Clinton is reported to be in the air, or something close to in the air, on his way to North Korea to negotiate the release of journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling. Moments ago it was reported that ... ....Clinton had already left for the North but had not yet arrived in Pyongyang, Yonhap said in a report from Washington quoting a source familiar with the issue. "As soon as he arrives, he will be entering negotiations with the North for the…
In Aramaic Lightning = Baraq, Heaven = Ouranos = "hight place" = Birds and Air = Satan and Hell = Ouranos = the place Baraq comes from = Isaiah 14:14 = Satan says "Like, I'm going to get most high" = Hebrew word 1116 on the word list = Bama. Oh. Oh bama! Baraq Obamah! It is true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!! This fact is indisputable. Hat tip Isis.
The Aquatic Ape Theory is being discussed over at Pharyngula. As PZ points out, an excellent resource on this idea is Moore's site on the topic. Here, I just want to make a few remarks about it. The Aquatic Ape Theory (AAT) is a human evolution Theory of Everything (TOE) and thus explains, as it should, everything. That is a dangerous way for a theory to act, because if it tries to explain everything then it is going to be wrong in a number of places, and it is going to seem (or even be) right in a number of places but only by chance. (Unless, of course, the TOE is totally rad and really…
Again, Maddow's report on Barack Hussein Obama. Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy As I've suggested before, I think this breed of activists are born of the anti-choice movement, recast to support McCain, and now they are here helping us with the health care debate. I suspect they are not going away. This is good business for the bus industry, I suppose.
You are PLoS Two today! Here's an old post of mine that gives some of the background on PLoS.