New questions have been raised about US gun laws after a boy aged eight shot himself in the head with a submachine gun at a Massachusetts weapons fair. The kid, Christopher Bizilj, was playing with an Uzi at the Westfield Sportsmen's Club, blastng pumpkins. A gun instructor and his father were present. The father's statement: ""This is a horrible event, a horrible travesty, and I really don't know why it happened." Ah, Mr. Gun-Nut Moron, it is obvious why this happened. Because your gun-loving attitude, which we presume you passed on to your child, made it happen. Why just the other day…
Previously, we thought they were sahing "bzzzzzz..zzzzz bzzzzzzzz" and stuff like that.... Researchers in Australia have discovered that honey bees have the ability to count -- at least to the number four. A scientist from the University of Queensland put five markers inside a tunnel and placed nectar in one of them, Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio reported. Honey bees placed in the tunnel flew to the marker with the food, and would still fly to the same marker stripe when the food was removed. source I have only this to say about the intelligence of bees.
A couple of years ago, Amanda and I got new cell phones from a company with service up at the cabin. This was the only company with service in that area so we were stuck. Since then, Verizon, the company in question, has over charged us and otherwise screwed up our bills numerous times, their sales people have lied to us, and so on and so forth. Verizon totally sucks. But this useful information is a digression. ... continuing with a slightly different but related digression.... we got these phones the day before memorial day weekend. We were promised that if the service up at the cabin…
UPDATE: GO HERE for more info and an interesting analysis. Including a discussion of "why 88?" and "why 14?" ] MySpace photo of Daniel Cowart of Bells, Tennessee, charged with plot to kill obama. Obviously, this sick fuck is a poster child for gun control. As reported by MSNBC: Law enforcement agents have broken up a plot by two neo-Nazi skinheads to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 88 black people, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said Monday. In court records unsealed Monday in U.S. District Court in Jackson, Tenn…
The longest-serving Republican in the US Senate has been found guilty of lying about gifts worth $250,000 he received from an oil company. Ted Stevens, 84, was charged with seven counts in connection with the gifts. Mr Stevens faces up to five years in prison on each count but, under federal guidelines, is unlikely to spend much time in prison. ... more
Barack Obama wants you to vote for Ashwin Madia. So do I. I'm Greg Laden, and I approve this blog post.
Go to any bar and you'll see a lot of males standing and sitting around not mating. I'll bet you would have guessed that the reason they are not mating is that no females will mate with them for one reason or another. But there is the distinct possibility that they are very inconspicuously resisting mating opportunities. It turns out that males can do this .... avoid mating without conspicuous resistance ... more easily than females. For obvious reasons. This could be why what has become (inappropriately) known as "reversed sexual aggression" often goes unnoticed, and a recent study of the…
When I was four, Billy, a neighborhood bully, did something bad to my best friend. I saw this as a serious affront, as did others. All the kids, and even the adults, were aghast. There was a veritable outcry, for he had stepped over a line over which no one should step. I do not recall what Billy did to my best friend. It must have been pretty bad, but I simply don't remember. But I do remember quite clearly what I did in retribution. I remember the plan I made, the steps I carried out, and I remember the look on Billy's face when I carried out the plan. And I remember the aftermath,…
You've got to admit, Obama hasn't really done anything. Except a few things:
Alas, the Blog Carnival Web Site seems to be dead. There is a note that it is "temporarily unavailable" which has been up all day. So, I can't point you to that resource for submission of the next Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival. But you can submit your posts directly to me and I'll forward them. The web carnival will be hosted at Almost Diamonds, tomorrow!
WTF? Sentences? Who needs 'em. I believe this was from earlier today.
The lake is icy-green and in the distance almost blends into the sky through a fast moving fog bank. The bald eagles (a pair and one offspring) are up to something in the back, one of them making swings over the bay and then back into the yard where they are vocalizing quite a bit. The pair of loons that always nests on the point a few hundred meters across the bay have changed to their winter plumage and are actively feeding just outside the cabin, and have been for two days. This year, they did not successfully raise an offspring, which is unusual. so we didn't get to see the cute baby…
From Think Progress: ...tensions between the Palin and McCain camps are increasing in the waning days of the campaign. Palin reportedly "has decided increasingly to disregard the advice of the former Bush aides tasked to handle her," blaming "her handlers for a botched rollout and a tarnished public image." A McCain campaign source: "She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone ... she is playing for her own future and sees herself as the next leader of the party. Remember: divas trust only unto themselves as they see themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom." Ah, Sarah babe, you…
"This is a white Christian nation, and only white Christians should be in power. " The man's name is Mike Lunsford, in case you missed it.
"In the same way I take offense at Mr. Obama running for president ....." Oh, but it's not about race or anything, is it?