A Gift from a Friend


This was sent by a friend and colleague who actually likes the weasel .. er, cough, man .. in the picture, so I am guessing that he is trying to cheer me up. Thanks, R. Yes, I did smile a little bit, although I never will understand how you can approve of his administration's arrogance misbehavior. Even Colin Powell couldn't wait to get the hell outta Dodge, so to speak.

By the way, dear readers, click on the image for an even larger version that you can print out and glue to your desk for all to see.


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Thanks! all my freinds are gonna love it!

Not me says Torris!

c'mon, bush's wife hit and killed her ex-boyfriend in broad daylight, with witnesses, when she was a teenager. there's no way he's going to get caught like ol' Bill. he knows he'd end up dead.