
Horrors! The Martian Landers, Spirit and Opportunity, are filming on the planet Mars RIGHT NOW with their electron microscope-cameras, but not sharing this important information with us. However, my army of spies found a classroom biology documentary from the future that you will enjoy (follow the link or view the embedded video above by clicking on the little arrow). Why? Because it is all about sex. SEX SEXX SEXXX.

(There, that should increase my traffic, ha!)

I must warn you, dear readers, there is some clay monster nudity, along with simulated stop-motion sex in this film. This film is animated in claymation by Douglass Smith, aka Reverend Ivan Stang, devotee of Slack Master and by the amazing Sex God J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, who discovered the conspiracy and an invasion by UFOs, and founded The Church of the SubGenius, an adults-only religion for mutants, misfits, weirdos. Turn up the sound, but don't try this with dial-up.

Your quiz is below the fold.

Thanks, Ian!

Vocabulary Quiz (define each word, 1 point each, and yes, spelling counts)



hermaphroditic autofusion

metafetal larvae

munjo bodies



ejaculatorial flagellia








Nominated (!!) to Animalcules,
a bi-weekly blog carnival focusing on all things microbial,
Issue 4.

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Animalcules, Issue 4 is now available. Animalcules is a small but growing bi-weekly blog carnival that focuses on all things microbial and, as usual, it includes some really fine writing. This issue, the first one to travel through the blogopshere, is being hosted by my blog pal, Bora, author of…
“Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one’s potential.” -Bruce Lee One of the greatest tricks that filmmakers use to enhance what can be shown in apparent…
Here's a pretty picture worth a look: a spinning 3-D view of populations of new neurons in a rat hippocampus. Check it out at The Scientist : Brain Cell Video Needs a fast connection, so take a pass if you're using dial-up.
Now we know what Harvard's doing with all that money. Here's an amazing look at the state of the art in biological illustration and animation: a sort of cell's inner life, with extremely high production values. Takes a few seconds to load on broadband; don't think I'd try it with dial-up. But…

Ahhh, now this make sense...

"In a related development, a spokesman for the Family Research Council today denounced President Bushs plans for a manned mission to Mars later in this century. Reginald Dwight, associate vice chair of the Council, said at a news conference that manned space exploration of the kind proposed by Bush would contribute to the deterioration of the American family. Mars aint the kind of place to raise your kids, said Dwight. In fact, its cold as hell. And theres no one there to raise them, if you did. Asked whether the Council would eventually support civil unions on Mars or perhaps one of the gaseous outer planets, Dwight replied, I think its gonna be a long long time before Christian conservatives would be willing to consider gay and lesbian rights anywhere in the known solar system."


Too good. I wonder if I could use that in class if I get parent permission forms. Since it's not 'human' sex (is it sex?) I should be off the hook. yeah, right

Somebody better tell the FRC that we'll see them this weekend, cause Saturday night's all right for fightin'. Got to get a little action in.