While we are on the topic of intelligence, or lack thereof, I thought you might enjoy this test (I certainly did). The DENSA test is a response to MENSA, I suspect. Unfortunately, this test doesn't give you a cute graphic to add to your blog, but it is a rather fun test, so I stole the site logo and posted the link to the DENSA test anyway.

What was your score?

My score was 11 out of 12 - I am above normal! (Question 1 gets them every time!!) .. and indeed, it was question 1 that got me, even though I knew it was a trick, even though I knew the answer was "yes", mysterious forces caused my hand to click "no" anyway!

More like this

I failed number four, I know nothing about baseball. I just put a zero there. So close to being a genious...

By Caio de Gaia (not verified) on 01 Apr 2006 #permalink

12 for 12

as Homer Simpson says: "I am so smart, SMRT..."

Got 11. How did I not see Moses?

By natural cynic (not verified) on 01 Apr 2006 #permalink

I got 11. I know nothing about baseball, and I remembered that "3" was the answer everyone was expected to give, so I said "1." Of course my disclaimer said it was question 4 rather than question 1 that got people every time...