Carnival of the Clueless 39 Available

Another new blog carnival (for me) has been published. The 39th edition of the Carnival of the Clueless is now available. This blog carnival celebrates blog writing about clueless idiots everywhere. Needless to say, with the current administration in place, there is plenty of material out there to write about, even if you aren't pretending to be a 14-year-old girl on the internet. Despite the fact that this is primarily a right-wing blog carnival, I managed to slip one past them anyway. Hrm.

Okay, after a little more investigation, I found that they do publish stories of cluelessness that involve right-wingers, too.

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Thanks for your entry - great piece.

I've bookmarked your site - looks interesting. I have an abiding interest in science (layman's level only. Hope you don't hold my right wing nuttiness against me. I think if you read my site, you'll find some things you can agree with.

I've submitted to the Carnival of the Clueless several times (usually about Holocaust deniers) and plugged it on occasion. It's alright. It's a fairly equal opportunity offender.

Well, Rick, I know you're addressing Hedwig and not me, but I'm fairly certain that nobody on the science blogosphere appreciates cheap shots at "the New York and Washington elites" who oppose the Heartland's "family values and patriotism."

hi rick, and welcome. i actually did poke around your site a bit and found that there are several things you've said there that i agree with. i am not sure of the context for the statement that alon is quoting is, but i can assure you that, like many people "out there" .. whether they be right-, left- or middle-of-the-road .. i have the best interests of the people at heart. as you might know, some people have radically different life experiences, so their methods for achieving parity for all will also differ. but their motivations (generally) are the same.

some friends tell me i am a lefty, but really, i have no idea what i am, politically speaking, since, after a lifetime of grassroots activism and political involvement (including being chosen to attend the democratic national convention quite awhile ago -- no, i didn't go), i have mostly assumed a stance of extreme disenfranchisement and skepticism regarding the actions and motivations of those in power.


I can understand your skepticism - the way things are now, it can be depressing to follow what's going on in D.C.

Mr. Levy:

It is not a question of "opposing" those values as much as it is belittling them. Perhaps you don't read a lot of political blogs but when voters are routinely referred to as "monkeys" and references made to them being the product of incestuous relationships, it does tend to make my point.

It is not a question of "opposing" those values as much as it is belittling them. Perhaps you don't read a lot of political blogs but when voters are routinely referred to as "monkeys" and references made to them being the product of incestuous relationships, it does tend to make my point.

Actually, I do read a lot of political blogs, and in particular I'm familiar enough with their level of discourse to know that the sort of comments made on the Democratic Underground about Republicans or on Free Republic about Democrats can be safely ignored. It's not "the liberals" who belittle Republicans or "the conservatives" who belittle Democrats; it's gangs of political junkies who belittle their opponents.

i am not sure of the context for the statement that alon is quoting is, but i can assure you that, like many people "out there" .. whether they be right-, left- or middle-of-the-road .. i have the best interests of the people at heart.

The first post on Rick's blog, "Kissing Us With Contempt," describes how NBC sent brown-skinned people to a NASCAR event to test their hypothesis that these events reeked of anti-Arab bigotry. That's basically the context of the "We're real Americans and you're not" theme the post segues to.

I visited Rick's site and couldn't find our infamous leader, Bush anywhere in the top listings. I am sorry but I think Rick is the clueless one.