Two Thousand Years of Bullshit .. Slow Roasted over a Heretic

Thanks, Biosparite!


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By Tony Auth. Click image to be magically transported to the Washington Post, where it is linked from. Thanks, Ian! tags: evolution, Tiktaalik rosea, fish, cartoon, humor
More commentary on Tiktaalik roseae, this time from the Wichita Eagle (click image and you will be magically transported there). Do be sure to read the little sign on the lower left side, too. Update: this morning on National Public Radio's show, Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me! they asked this;…
Thanks, Dawn! tags: humor, cartoon, FEMA
Thanks, Dawn! tags: politics, cartoon, humor

Eww! Disgusting! No, not the Fundy eating a big heapoing spoonful of their own bullshit, that's perfect! What's disgusting is that here in 2006 there are actually people that believe the Creationist line! EWWWW!

i am glad that someone thinks this is funny because i think it is hilarious. most of today, i was worried that the whole world had gone mad and had lost its sense of humor as a result. considering how cranky i am as of late, if i am the epitome of humor in this land, well, we are in serious trouble!

I heard a creationist on a radio program trying to explain that Tiktaalik can't really be a transitional form. Evolution takes too much time! And he was quibbling about 10 million years. And he was even wrong about that. I wrote some remarks on it in Clockwork creationism, with links to the sources.