Let's Get this Bitch to Mount Doom

This parody of The Lord of the Rings is from the MTV Movie Awards. It depicts how The Fellowship was set up in the first film. It is absolutely funny, but it is a bit er .. bawdy .. or, er .. suggestive .. as well (not that I disapprove; just warning you).


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"This video is no longer available."

By Emanuele Oriano (not verified) on 23 Jun 2006 #permalink

This is also the easter egg on the Two Towers special edition. The Return of the King has Gollum's amazing acceptance speech as the easter egg. I just love that Jackson has a good enough sense of humour to actually include these on his DVDs.

Excellent Dude!!!!!!!!!!!LOL!

Actually, this is the easter egg on the extended edition of the "Fellowship of the Ring". Load the first disc and go to Scene Selection. Go to the last page and use your remote to browse down to the last selection. If you go down one more, a ring will appear. Click on that and it will take you to this "alternate" version of the council of Elrond.
