Rethuglican Damage Control

The title says it all.

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tags: The REAL Gay Agenda, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, LGBT, politics, cultural observation, social commentary, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video You hear a lot about the gay agenda in political talk. If you ever wondered what the hell they were talking about,…
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I'm not sure I get this one. Are there Democrats proposing the wiretapping of gays? If so, that is a kind of discrimination, which in the end will help only those who believe hate is a family value.

the meaning behind this cartoon is unclear to me as well. it seems to be a pro-republican piece, in that the respectable gop rep is concerned about terrorism and keeping america safe, and the silly dumbocrat donkey wants to witch hunt gays. and i believe nothing could be further from the truth.

i read this cartoon as saying that there is very little difference between the rethuglican agenda and the democratic agenda when it comes to "spin". but maybe this impression is the result of the drugs i am being given by the doctors.

I'm with Kevin. Pure spin! "How dare you claim our people are misbehaving, when *we're* protecting you from the evilterroristscum!

By David Harmon (not verified) on 12 Oct 2006 #permalink

That Mike Lester, man, he sure does have his finger on the pulse of the nation! [rolls eyes]

Seriously, have I missed this groundswell of loudly expressed interest among liberals and Democrats in prying into the lives of gays? And does Mr. Elephant have a warrant for his wiretap? If not, why not?