To Be or Not To Be ..

You won't believe this but Senator McCain says he thinks he will commit suicide if the Democrats win the Senate in this upcoming election.

McCain, on a visit to Iowa to campaign for Republican congressional candidates, was asked his reaction to a potential Democratic takeover of the Senate in the November 7 elections.

"I think I'd just commit suicide," McCain told reporters, to accompanying laughter from Republicans standing with him. "I don't want to face that eventuality because I don't think it's going to happen."

Promises, promises .. do you think McCain is serious? Regardless of whether he is serious or not, why isn't he locked up in a rubber room in the state psychiatric hospital, as required by law when someone makes a threat on his or her life? Or is he somehow more special than the rest of us?

Cited story.


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Yep. This has been all over my various news feeds. Read several different versions.

Now when you say special......

It's not that he doesn't qualify for the rubber room; it's just that nobody - not even psychiatrists - cares if a politician tops himself, particularly not a Republican.

I think we'd all be better off if McCain offed himself. After all, he was instrumental in removing our 800 year old right to a writ of habeas corpus, so yeah, wouldn't lose any sleep if the whore died.

I suspect he's just recognizing that if the Dems do regain control, McCain's political influence is toast -- he's blown so many chances to stand up against the GOP's abuses that his "independent" schtick will be worthless.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 19 Oct 2006 #permalink

... why isn't he locked up in a rubber room in the state psychiatric hospital, as required by law when someone makes a threat on his or her life?

Aren't those laws state specific?