A Happy Distraction for Rethuglicans

A friend emailed this image to me so I could share it with you.

Image: source.

Yesterday, Kerry made a truly dumbass remark -- a weak attempt at sarcasm -- that is being taken out of context for political spin purposes. I understood Kerry's comment to be a verbal jab at the current administration's elitism, not at the troops themselves. But don't forget, the average American was also believed Bush when he claimed -- in the complete lack of any hard evidence -- that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, too.

But seriously, who cares?! Does this comment really deserve a press conference?? Kerry is not the president, he's not a candidate for the presidency, he's not senate majority leader, he's not speaker of the house, he's not the leader of the Democratic Party, noooooo, he's just one senator out of one hundred. In fact, according to Jonah Goldberg, Kerry is an awful politician, a human toothache with the charisma of a 19th-century Oxford Latin tutor.

Meanwhile, the voters have their panties in a twist while all hell is breaking out in Iraq, and our troops are still dying while Halliburton grows ever richer on the American taxpayers' tit.

Don't the Bushies have anything valuable and positive to say after six years in office that doesn't involve attacking and lying about their political enemies?


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Well I don't think it was a 'dumb ass remark'! If anyone had the right to criticize the Bush crime family's Iraq policy, it is Kerry, who has served honorably in the military! These chicken hawks who mostly never served a day in uniform, much less combat experience loudly decry Kerry's remarks as an assault on the troops;. When (their)failure to protect our soldiers with sound foreign policy, good equipment, and a exit plan is completely lacking.
We should be asking, where are the rest of the Demos on this subject? They should be right behind Kerry in this righteous argument! Teddy, Hillarie, Joe Biden. I have to think these representatives have let me and my country down.
The Republican Right has a grip on the media, fundamentalist Christians, southern racists. They dance with corporate America , and now the far right has captured US! We blindly accept their spin, we've stopped thinking for ourselves.

By judy roth (not verified) on 01 Nov 2006 #permalink

Mr Kerry did serve very honorably, running guns into Cambodia during Christmas 1968. So much so that it was "seared into his memory". During the "Winter Soldiers" hearings Mr. Kerry claimed that the United States military had acted "remeniscient of Ghengis Khan". Because it is true! America is the real evil but Senator Kerry will free us from the Repugs! He did mean what he said, 86% of our soldiers voted for Bush! Bush lied kids died! Islam just wants to live in peace, just give them the jews!