Government Corruption Smells like Bush

After living with a bloody undeclared war in Iraq, tax money meant for the war effort instead lining the already bulging pockets of Halliburton CEOs, tax policies that permit the rich to become even richer, a dumbass president who is out-of-touch along with his crooked group of advisors who have perpetuated scandal after scandal on a weary American people .. well, it's no wonder that the average American Voter has had enough. What is the main issue motivating people to vote in this midterm election?


The exit polls -- by a consortium of broadcast networks and The Associated Press -- showed that 42 percent of voters called corruption an extremely important issue in their choices at the polls, followed by terrorism at 40 percent, the economy at 39 percent and the war in Iraq at 37 percent.

What was your number one concern that brought you to the polls? Were your primary concerns at the local or national level?

Cited story.

Interestingly -- and hopefully -- exit polls by the Associated Press and several networks reveal that the majority of voters disapprove of Bushco and the numerous scandals committed by his administration and were thus more likely to vote for Democrats!

In surveys at polling places, about six in 10 voters said they disapproved of the way President Bush is handling his job, and roughly the same percentage opposed the war in Iraq. They were more inclined to vote for Democratic candidates than for Republicans.

Cited story.



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So corruption is the biggest issue in the minds of the voters. That's going to make it look just a little funny if the Republicans "win" the election, because that issue sure isn't a plus for the GOP.

I'm hoping for another 1974

What was your number one concern that brought you to the polls? Were your primary concerns at the local or national level?

My primary concern, and the reason that I voted a straight ticket for the first time in years is my (admittedly idealistic) view of the United States and the principles for which it stands, and the way the current administration and the enabling legislative branch have shat upon those principles. Maybe George Allen, upon hearing that people in American custody -- not in a combat zone -- were "chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor" having "urinated or defecated on themselves", maybe that makes him want to stand tall and salute the flag. It makes me want to puke. That's not my America. Maybe granting the executive branch the unreviewable power to detain anyone -- including American citizens -- indefinitely without trial and without judicial review make Republicans think that they are Patriots. It disgusts me. Maybe the lazy justification in the face of contrary evidence for our invasion of a country that was no real threat to us, and the subsequent incompetence of the Republican occupation plan that has at the end of they day been a boon to Al Qaeda and other enemies of the Enlightenment makes Republicans proud. It makes me wonder how in the hell my fellow countrymen could be so blind. What brings me to the polls is the unmitigated disaster that Republican rule is and my hope that with a divided government, perhaps we can, if not extricate ourselves from this shit-hole of Republican making, at least stop digging and shitting.