Cheney Heading for the Hills -- At Long Last??

This afternoon on MSNBC news, Congressional Quarterly political analyst Craig Crawford speculated that Dick Cheney may be the next to leave the administration as "neocons are heading for the hills" like rats abandoning a sinking ship. Crawford claimed the Vice President's "authority is waning, if not gone." Crawford then went on to ask; "And my point is why would he want to stick around in this environment? All I'm seeing is a man getting isolated more and more."



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Well, it's normal for cabinet members and other people in the administration to quit mid-term. But I don't think a VP has ever resigned. Hmmm.

Besides Agnew?

By Scott Simmons (not verified) on 28 Nov 2006 #permalink

And John C. Calhoun?

So if he resigned, would that make it easier or harder to investigate him?

I think Cheney has always been viewed with either less trust or more suspicion than other members of the Bush administration, by nearly all political groups - conservative, republican, liberal, democrat, libertarian, etc.

Shortly after the election I saw an Op/Ed piece (can't find it now) speculating that Cheney would be replaced for political reasons: since he is not going to run in 2008, the vice presidency could be used as a launching pad for some up-and-coming Republican who would be running in 2008. This seemed bizarre to me, since the vice president is an elected official.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 28 Nov 2006 #permalink

I think Cheney has always been viewed with either less trust or more suspicion than other members of the Bush administration

And that's saying something! The consensus view is that Cheney would sell his grandmother, and you can be sure he'd make a hefty profit off the deal.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 28 Nov 2006 #permalink

Nah, he'd have held onto grandma for sentimantal reasons.

He would have leased the drilling rights, though.

Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. Try the veal, it's delicious.

By Dale Austin (not verified) on 28 Nov 2006 #permalink

Almost on-topic, but last week's Economist (yeah, I know) had a special report/obit on Milton Friedman. It included this understated titbit:

He [Friedman] would have preferred Donald Rumsfeld, not George Bush senior, as Reagan's vice-president and successor. An appraisal of the Rumsfeld presidency must be left to counterfactual historians
