The Top 100 Greenies

A view of the Earth from the space shuttle Endeavour
shows sunshine reflected off an ocean. Rising global
temperatures are increasingly melting icecaps, causing
storm havoc and flooding large areas.

Image: Corbis.

The Guardian has listed the top 100 people of all time who have done the most to save the planet.

  1. Rachel Carson, Author of Silent Spring
  2. EF Schumacher, Green economist
  3. Jonathan Porritt, Government adviser
  4. David Attenborough, TV naturalist
  5. James Lovelock, Biologist
  6. Wangari Maathai, Conservationist
  7. Prince of Wales, Green royal
  8. William Morris, Craftsman and writer
  9. Al Gore, US politician
  10. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Former Norwegian PM

The Prince of Wales?? Hello?? I know I am just a stupid American, but what has the Prince of Wales done to be ranked so highly on this list, besides being a member of the British monarchy?

Cited story.

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I remember reading somewhere (and for the life of me right now I can't remember where) a while back that the Prince of Wales has been into enviornmental causes for years including organic gardening and such. If I remember correctly the Balmoral estaste is quite environmentally friendly from it's gardens to the buildings themselves. I'll have to do a little research and see if I can't figure out where that info came from.

I think it started with duck hunting, and he branched out from there because he wants to hunt ducks.
A la Ducks Unlimited?

Would you call me an angry feminist if I said I was happy (and so not all the time angry!) that a woman topped the list? (Not that I would care if anyone called me an angry feminist! Lots to be angry about, actually).

Anyway, Rachel Carson- she changed my own life as well as how we as humans think about the earth and so I'll always hold her close to my heart. A biography I read of her left me wishing I knew more about her life.

Would you call me an angry feminist if I said I was happy (and so not all the time angry!) that a woman topped the list?

'Feminist'?, sure, why not?. But 'angry'? Someone who assumes everyone who is happy about a woman topping this or that important list is angry is at best confused.

(Unfortunately (as you presumably know) the phrase 'Angry feminist' is loaded - people often use it as epithet with the demonstrably false implication that feminists have no justification for being angry, and the demonstrably false assumption that all feminists are necessarily angry.)