Call for Submissions: Carnival of the Liberals

Well, I surprised myself by volunteering to host this upcoming issue of the Carnival of the Liberals. Since this will be the first issue of this carnival's second year, let's start with some important issues. According to the rules, I am allowed to choose the ten best recent blog essays that discuss liberal issues. Even though I am interested in what you have to say about any liberal issue, what can be more important than your opinion for what Democrats should do to win this upcoming national election, besides hold their collective breaths and hope that no one screws up? How can dems get back to being the party of the working person? Should dems temporarily sacrifice their stand on social issues, such as gay marriage? Should dems imitate Rethuglicans and become more "in your face" regarding what they stand for?

I know this is short notice, so please help me out and send your essays to me by Wednesday midnight EST (I am giving you an extra day to make up for the time crunch) so I can (hopefully) get the Carnival put together by Thursday noonish, EST. To submit your essays for consideration, please use this form.


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