I Smell Bagels

More from Mel Gibson regarding the Jews ...

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I've written before about Hutton Gibson (Mel Gibson's father) and serious crank, conspiracy theorist and proud Holocaust denier. I even speculated, based on Mel's cagey answers to direct questions about the Holocaust, speculating about whether he shares some of Hutton's beliefs. I ended up guessing…
Now that Mel Gibson has apologized for his anti-Semitic tirade during his arrest for DUI last week and the ADL has accepted Gibson's apology, everyone is discussing what the fallout will be among the Hollywood elite, many of whom happen to be Jewish. Ever the contrarian, using my knowledge of the…
"Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity...And I'm not afraid to say it. " ... so THAT's why they hate Mel Gibson? Follow the bouncing logic here. When I was a kid, I collected stamp. I loved it. Then, one day, my uncle sent me a box of ash from a volcano that had…
I had seriously considered jumping all over this story when I first saw it early Monday morning. After all, look at the headline: Jewish groups call for hate-crime probe on Mel Gibson A more truly ominous thing to be calling for based on a drunken anti-Semitic tirade I have a hard time imagining.…

Hedwig, that was despicable. Love ya, but found that video offensive and unnecessary. I know you're not responsible for the video put you shouldn't have posted it perpetuating the "let's hate Mel Gibson" saga.

I find his comments about the Jews horrific but I also am a huge advocate and participant of forgiveness and redemption. I hope and pray he deals with the wounds he has. And I greatly hope and pray that others can find it in their hearts to forgive him as we're all human beings and as such are greatly flawed and make mistakes and will make mistakes everyday of our lives.

You should listen to Montgomery Gentry's "Some People Change". It's a terrific song that is very inspiring and very true.


By demonica24 (not verified) on 22 Dec 2006 #permalink

Hedwig, that was despicable. Love ya, but found that video offensive and unnecessary.

Damn. Now I wish had all the video plugins working on this box. Damn, damn, damn.