Christmas Morning

Last night, the neighbors were blasting their very loud stereo until the wee hours, and this morning I woke up to the lovely smell of a dead mouse. There's nothing like spending Christmas day searching for dead mouse bodies in your apartment ..

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Better than having a dead skunk in the crawl space under your house, I can assure you! Anyway, best wishes for the new year.

I shared my Christmas breakfast with two White-footed Mice...very much alive in my bird-seed bag by the cellar door. I've been so low on the food chain myself, that I can't bring myself to evict anything this time of year...I moved them to the barn.

A belated happy Solstice, as the days creep into longer light! The dead mouse episode sounds a bit like a Monty Python routine (though I DO hope your search & eviction of the ex-mouse was successful!)...
Blessings and best wishes to you as this year wobbles to its close.

My sympathies. I once found a dead mouse in a roach motel, but mostly I haven't been bothered.

When you originally mentioned the mice, I thought about suggesting a cat, but... well you know. (I once had a friend who owned both cats and finches. Unfortunately, the finches seemed to like teasing the cats. This persisted despite occasional replacements of the finches....)

Happy belated Solstice!

By David Harmon (not verified) on 25 Dec 2006 #permalink


I shared my Christmas breakfast with two White-footed Mice...

You should have insisted they earn their keep by posing for you.

I am glad you had something to get you out of bed on Christmas morning. I sent some books earlier via Amazon, so I hope you got them to make your winter holidays fun (And the mouse didn't shred them for a nest!) Happy New Year, dear!

We got a mouse back on Xmas. Little blighter had nicked off while being handled by young children, but failed to dodge fast enough on Xmas.

Also got a free agouti-coloured (ie wild) mouse thrown in to the kit. Again, failed to dodge fast enough, caught by hand.