Even Glaciers are in on the Hoax

As was earlier noted, the bears in Spain are in on the global warming hoax, and now it appears that even inanimate objects, glaciers, are in on the hoax, too! I wonder what Michael Crichton has to say about this?

A giant ice shelf has snapped free from an island south of the North Pole, scientists said Thursday, citing climate change as a "major" reason for the event.

The Ayles Ice Shelf -- all 41 square miles of it -- broke clear 16 months ago from the coast of Ellesmere Island, about 500 miles south of the North Pole in the Canadian Arctic.

Cited story.


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Yesterday I was playing with the idea that we would take recycled plastic and make artificial ice floes out of it.

I'll bet Michael Crichton will write a book and in his new book glaciers will be child molesters.

Send a forensic team up there and I'm sure you'll find traces of high explosives on that shelf proving that it was evil environmental activists who created this event to prove global warming is taking place. Crichton has already written a book about it.

Yesterday I was playing with the idea that we would take recycled plastic and make artificial ice floes out of it.

Your evil plot to kill seals (which chew airholes in the ice ... that's why polar bears have those long necks and long jaws) is wrong and immoral!
(ok, I knew you were joking.)

I went outside today - and it was quite cold!
therefore global warming can not be real!
Why can't everyone understand this?
It must therefore be a commie/liberal plot to achieve something or other...
Global warming hrmmmph -
its 'kin freezin here!