PZ Has Arrived

Well, folks, PZ has arrived and is in fine spirits, although not as fine as me, considering that I have had a beer and already met some people I know from graduate school. I was also told that my dissertation advisor is here, and according to rumor, he is out birding somewhere so he may not show up at the hotel for awhile. I am looking forward with great anticipation to seeing my advisor again since I want to introduce him to PZ and John. Oh, and speaking of John, well, that boy is a slacker, pure and simple, because he is still not here!



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Ha! You're straight back into the swing of things. By the time you're read this, you should have had a hearty breakfast, and worried about how much weight you're going to put on.

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Healthy activities you have ahead of you. You will be exhausted by Monday but also refreshed in some odd way!

Was PZ as much a dork in person as he seems to be?

And I read your interview about blogging interferring with the job search/that scares me. As a student and blogger, have I already screwed myself?