Last Day at SICB

Today is the last day of SICB. The meeting ends at noon, and since I stayed up until three in the morning, writing up summaries of the bird posters, I slept in a little bit this morning, so I am missing the last few presentations today. Overall, the meeting was excellent, with lots of fascinating and well-done talks and interesting people to talk with. I also got to speak with many of my grad school colleagues while I was here, which was great fun.

The people living in Phoenix really went out of their way to make us "bloggers" feel welcomed, and my thanks especially go out to Jim and his wife, who invited us to a party at his lovely home, and to Diane, who had the great idea to invite blog writers to this meeting. I am especially appreciative that she thought to invite me.

Now that the meeting is over, I am wondering what new tortures America West has in store for me during my return trip. They will have to really work hard to do worse than feces on my seat cushion, but something tells me that they are up to the challenge. Needless to say, I will never, ever fly America West Airlines again (nor will I fly with their parent company, US Airways), unless I am desperate beyond description.


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Re US Air, I flew in one of their regional jets to Charlotte, NC in 2005. At 6'1" I managed to wedge myself into an aisle seat, but there was a male supersized me in the middle seat whose girth forced me to lean into the aisle a little. His hefty girlfriend in the window seat did not help the space allocation. Of course it was a full flight. That was my last trip on US Air.

By biosparite (not verified) on 07 Jan 2007 #permalink

The last two times I've flown US Air I had weather delays, which I guess isn't their fault. I always dread flying since I have to board a regional jet to get into the small town I live in. And I'm 6'8''!