More than 100 Dinosaur Eggs Discovered in a Remote Area of India

Three amateur paleontologists discovered more than 100 fossilized eggs of dinosaurs in a remote area in a central Indian state, a news report said. The explorers also found footprints of the dinosaurs through which they could also trace the "track way" of the now extinct animals, said Vishal Verma, one of the trio of paleontologists.

The eggs, approximately the size of a softball, were found in a single nesting site in the Kukshi-Bagh area, some 95 miles southwest of Indore, a key city of Madhya Pradesh state.

"These animals used to come from far away areas to lay eggs on the sandy banks of the rivers in this area, identified scientifically as Lameta bed," Verma said. The eggs date back to the Upper Cretaceous period, between 100 and 65 million years ago.

Verma stated that the eggs were from three types of herbivorous sauropod dinosaurs that were between 40-90 feet in length.

Cited story.


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Pablo - I think you should see a doctor.


May I suggest resort to the webcomic "319 Dark Street" for the archived strip titled "Pepe's Big Ones?"

By biosparite (not verified) on 07 Feb 2007 #permalink

OOPS, sorry wrong story!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 07 Feb 2007 #permalink