Okay, What's with the Diapers?

.. and why tell the press all about it? Was that really necessary??

A NASA astronaut who drove hundreds of miles to confront a romantic rival, wearing diapers on the journey so that she would not have to stop to use the restroom, appeared in court today after being arrested on attempted kidnapping and other charges.

[ .. ]

She was arrested on Monday on charges of attempted kidnapping, vehicle burglary with battery, destruction of evidence and battery. Bail was set at $15,500, and Captain Nowak, who has been working at NASA, was ordered to wear a tracking device.

Cited story.

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And if she was driving almost 1000 miles, wouldn't she have to stop and gas up anyway?

The police told the media to make the woman look like some kind of fruitcake. The media reported it because they are morons who love making someone look like a fruitcake.

I'm wondering which show will be the first to have a diaper wearing astronaut love triangle murder plot, Law & Order, NCIS or CSI?

By parrotslave (not verified) on 06 Feb 2007 #permalink

My understanding is that the reason why they include the diaper thing is that it's specifically one of the reasons why they're choosing to charge her with attempted murder rather than just assault or whatever. That is, the police are intending to use the diapers thing as evidence that she was trying to move cross-country without being detected-- the diapers weren't just fruitcakery in the view of the police, they were one component of a logical and premeditated plan, included for the reason that if she had stopped somewhere to use a restroom, there would be witnesses that she was there. That she went to such elaborate measures to avoid leaving any trail to her cross country drive supports the idea that she specifically intended to commit a crime-- if, as she claims, her intent in driving to Florida was just to talk to Ms. Shipman, there would have been no reason not to just stop at a McDonalds somewhere.

Then the media ran with it because like huh diapers wtf.

Coin, that's BS. See Tara Smith's comment.

After reading your link to the article, I say it's complete BS on its face. How is it "stealthy" to pee into a diaper but to stop at a motel to spend the night. Intead of trying to get her convicted of something to make her spend life in prison, they ought to be doing some psychiatric testing. But that would mean they aren't being tough enough on crime. And kidnapping? That charge won't fly. BS, pure and simple.

OK space illness has got to be kinda far down the list of things we need to be looking at. She has one trip into space logged. Sure there's a possibility I guess that she has a non-clinically recognized disease, I'm just thinking it's slight.

To be safe though, she should be tested for the Andromeda Strain. Just to be sure.

Maybe she just has a bladder control problem, and its all being blown out of proportion ;)

Coin, that's BS. See Tara Smith's comment.

Yeah, if she didn't have extra gas in the car that theory just kind of dies, and none was mentioned in any report I've seen.

How is it "stealthy" to pee into a diaper but to stop at a motel to spend the night.

Oh, she stopped at a motel? I had not heard that.

Space Dementia is a hotly debated topic, and is not yet recognized by any accredited medical organization. However, cases of mild dementia in space have been reported. The lack of evidence to support space dementia may also be circumstantial

Huh. Was she eating soap?

I think everyone is jumping to conclusions about Lisa's intentions. See:


I don't know why a girl can't travel around with a commando knife, a gun, a large hammer and some empty garbage bags without everyone assuming she's a homicidal maniac. Wearing a diaper.

Oh, and by the way, do you know that you have a giant Flash Multimedia ad covering much of your site sometimes? (depending, I assume, on browser and system .... but for example my totally update version of Firefox can no longer read your posts whenever the Intel Processor is being advertised in your banner.)

They brought up the diaper even on the PBS NewsHour. I can understand other news outlets, but on the normally very serious NewsHour!

Jim Lehrer even gave details on the type of diaper! It was the type of diaper the astronauts wear on space flights, and she did it so she could drive non-stop from Houston to Orlando.

So yes, what's with the diapers?

Statement Regarding the Status of Lisa Nowak

The following is a statement from Michael Coats, director of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, regarding the status of astronaut Lisa Nowak.

"We are deeply saddened by this tragic event. The charges against Lisa Nowak are serious ones that must be decided by the judicial system. She is officially on 30-day leave and has been removed from flight status and all mission-related activities. We will continue to monitor developments in the case."


By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 06 Feb 2007 #permalink

"...and she did it so she could drive non-stop from Houston to Orlando."

Nope. According to at least one report, she stopped at a motel. And I know of no car (even my own very thrifty diesel VW) that can go that far without stopping at least once for fuel. I doubt that this woman is legally insane, but I have little doubt that she's not go for liftoff.

Maybe she wore the diaper as part of getting psyched for a mission. Nothing else about this story makes much sense, so I posit this was part of her "gearing up." Imagine that part of her preparations being portrayed in the inevitable movie. My casting choice: Sandra Bullock.The title? "Miss Congenia . . ." Oops, I meant "Miss Congenitally Insane." Ain't love great?

By biosparite (not verified) on 07 Feb 2007 #permalink

I guess they just fixate on it because it's the most bizarre element of the case. The ever-subtle AOL news had the headline "Diaper-wearing astronaut busted in Florida." Good thing they don't want to hit us over the head with a sledgehammer or anything!!!

Personally, I view the focus on diapers as a message about religion.
That is ... if there exists a benevolent, and all-powerful God, why do some human beings require diapers?

( This important philosophical question is known as the Problem of Incontinence. Although it is widely accepted that the problem was known at least as far back as the time of St. Augustine, the problem was first put in its modern form by the philosopher Yossarian. )

I wouldn't be too surprised if space travel turned out to produce some sort of brain damage -- I mean, you've got atmosphere changes, accelleration, radiation, and who knows what else.

Regardless, this seems basically just a classic romantic psychodrama, which happens to involve astronauts. And a diaper. ;-)

By David Harmon (not verified) on 08 Feb 2007 #permalink