NYC Condoms

NYC is the first city in the world to sanction its own brand of condom. To introduce them to the public, more than 150,000 of these condoms were handed out free to subway riders across the five boroughs on Valentine's Day.

The condoms' basic black plastic wrapper simply says "NYC condom" on the front, with each letter in a circle, similar to the letters used by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to denote subway lines. (The authority gave the city permission to use the letters, which are the intellectual property of the subway system.)

Distributed by Ansell Healthcare Products of Dothan, Alabama, the condoms handed out yesterday were made in Malaysia and expire in September 2011.

Get your own NYC Condom.


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Nice website. I enjoyed the animations too. Clever. I hope they get used. :o\

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 15 Feb 2007 #permalink