Tool-Using Wild Chimps

This is a video of wild chimps using stone tools to crack open nut shells so they can get at the nutmeats inside. Most of the chimps have a baby sitting next to them, learning about the reward to be had after crushing the nut with a rock.

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Good one! Primate use of tools! Looks like they're visual learners. Could you find the one of the chimpanzees using sticks to poke out termites? We love that one.

I am thouroughly impressed by any animal using tools-gorillas & chimps(etc.),vultures & crows(etc.)dolphins,otters - and the way they "teach" their young. My handfed baby Lovebirds have learned to slide open their cage feeding doors abit to "bang" as I refill their cups just as their mother does in eagar anticipation. I have an open door policy so its' not a sign of trying to escape but a repetition of what their mother had done with cages in in the same room. I even named'em: banger #1,#2,&#3. Just amazing and abit irritating!

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 21 Feb 2007 #permalink