DNA Packing and Replication Video

I think I've posted this before, but thought that some of you might not have seen it yet. This video shows how 6 feet of DNA is packaged into the microscopic nucleus of a cell and also how DNA is replicated.

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This is another streaming video that reveals how 6 feet of DNA is meticulously packed into the nucleus of each of your cells. In addition, it shows how DNA strands are replicated prior to a cell dividing into two. . tags: streaming video, DNA packing, cell nucleus
My friend mdvlist sent me the link to some rather odd educational materials, called "Lyrical Life Science." They're folk songs set to familiar tunes, but the lyrics are all biology. I realize that folk songs about science have a storied history. But these are kinda weird - like "Sirenians" set to "…
As many of you may know, I have been examining how mRNAs are transported and localized within the cell and how the regulation of mRNA metabolism contributes to gene expression. From data accumulated recently within the "RNA Field", we know that transcription in eukaryotic cells is very sloppy -…
Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life. From the publisher: If it weren't for mitochondria, scientists argue, we'd all still be single-celled bacteria. Indeed, these tiny structures inside our cells are important beyond imagining. Without mitochondria, we would have no cell…

Note that the animator (and researcher - he used real data) was a staff member of mine, named Drew Berry. Note also the animation won a BAFTA award in 2004. More stuff is available here, free for use by educators.

Ha ha!

DaveScot posted this at Uncommon Dissent. John, perhaps you should go there and point out your connection to it! I'm sure they'll be pleased to see a PT'er turn up.


I could swear I saw this a few years ago in the Natural History Museum in Manhattan...