Rare Monkey Born in Zoo After Mother's Sight was Restored

Tolkein is a six-year-old howler monkey who lives at the Port Lympne Wild Animal Park near Hythe in the UK. When she was just a juvenile, she developed cataracts in both eyes and became totally blind, so she was completely dependant on her keepers for her needs. There was little hope that she would ever see her own hand -- let alone her own baby.

However, eighteen months ago, the staff decided to try a cateract operation in an effort to restore her sight. The procedure was a success and after a period of recuperation she was introduced to Clyde, a male who had recently arrived from Singapore Zoo.

It was literally love at first sight for Tolkein and the pair are now parents of a beautiful, as yet unnamed baby.

"We are all delighted and excited by this birth," said Headkeeper Simon Jeffery. "At just a week old the baby seems strong and healthy and is very interested in its surroundings and so far Tolkein is being a perfect mum."

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