Unemployed Scientists In Action

They don't say it on this video, but I'll say it here; this is what happens to out-of-work scientists. They don't stop making experiments at all! Instead, they find new experiments to conduct in the absence of paying work.

Are you afraid? Well, if so, please be sure to employ your local unemployed scientist in a scientific field.

I forgot to mention that grrrrrrl scientists like to blow up things, too.

More like this

...be sure to employ your local unemployed scientist in a scientific field.

...or they'll blow things up in said field.

Incidentally, Brainiac has a reputation for cheating (as explained in loving detail by Ben Goldacre). Of course, this just means that the experiments need to be replicated.

Anyone in NY have a Renault they want to get rid of?


i love replicating explosions. there are plenty of trashy cars in my 'hood (some of them are french, too!), does anyone have a digital video camera they'd like to lend me so i can share my successes with you?