Sacked US Attorneys Threatened by Department of Justice

Wow, things are just getting more unbelievable all the time. Now, I find out that the Department of Justice threatened the eight sacked US Attorneys with "retaliation";

A Justice Department official threatened to take the "gloves off" and "retaliate" against the eight United States attorneys who were abruptly removed from their posts if they continued to speak publicly about the circumstances behind their dismissals, according to an email released late Monday sent to the fired prosecutors by one of their colleagues. [story]



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Sadly, this is "business as usual" for ShrubCo. Forget the "Axis of Evil" and all that, anyone who defies them gets defined as an enemy to be destroyed.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 24 Mar 2007 #permalink

That's what they teach College Republicans: Omerta (anagram of "Alberto").

By biosparite (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink