Male Turkey is Mother to Chickens

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A day-old chicken chick sits beside a male turkey that hatched and played mother to it at a farm in central Albania, Fushe Kruje, some 25 km (16 miles) from Tirana. The turkey, previously known for its fighting ability, incubated some chicken eggs until they were hatched then looked after them, residents said.

I wonder what this bird's hormonal mileu looks like?

Image and story: Reuters

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I've never seen a clearer case of trans-sexualism. That turkey is a deviant. The chicks need to be removed for their own safety. I mean, what will happen if that predatory turkey starts trying to teach those chick to gobble. The cornerstone of avian society lies here on the brink!

To arms, to arms!

How differently we process the exactly same information?! I felt how adorable the 'father turkey' cares for the young, soft, helpless, yellow chick, especially when it is not its own. The 'Eden' must have been as such before Eve was tempted and ate the forbidden fruit and led her Adam too eat it and thrown out from the Garden to pains and rely on their own means. The word of "trans-sexualism" from this picture is absolutely out of the other world experience to me. Here we see another example of the differences how we interpret or perceive as early as a group of ancient Chinese philosophers established a teaching based on the situations that infants often bite their mothers' nipple while feeding paining their mother as 'Humans are born evil, and therefore they have to be taught what to do and what not to do vigorously as soon as one is born...' Their doctrine did not prosper as some others, but the opposite point of view exists then and now. No view seems to be entirely wrong, or entirely good, if truth itself is 'as we perceive is' is. We hence ceaselessly argue, debate, and carry on the same acts as Sisyphus labors rolling up the heavy rock on his shoulder knowing fully well that it would roll back down as soon as he takes it off from his shoulder. ...

By AriSan in New York (not verified) on 25 Apr 2007 #permalink

This turkey is just a stay-at-home dad, and there's nothing wrong with that ;)