Condoleezza Rice Subpoenaed on Iraq

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It's about Condoleezza Rice was subpoenaed regarding the Iraq war, since we are finally interested to get to the bottom of why America is caught up in this stupid war. Today, the House of Representatives' Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted 21-10 to subpoena Condoleezza Rice to appear before the panel next month. The Secretary of State is expected to testify about administration justifications for the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Meanwhile, crybaby Republicans accused Democrats of a "fishing expedition." But Democrats said they want Rice to explain what she knew about administration's warnings, later proven to be lies, that Iraq had sought uranium from Niger for nuclear arms. Don't Republicans also care about why America is in Iraq, don't they care to know if we were decieved by the White House, or does their ideology blind them to all the senseless death that is occurring there?

"The American public was misled about the threat posed by Iraq, and this committee is going to do its part to find out why," said committee Chairman Henry Waxman, a California Democrat.

Why fear testifying in front of the Congress if Condoleezza is proud of the work she does and the results it brings?

Cited story.


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In todays' Columbus Dispatch: Rice Signals Rejection of House Subpoena - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Thursday she has already answered the questions she has been subpoenaed to answer before a congressional committee and suggested she is not inclined to comply with the order.

Rice said she would respond by mail to questions from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on the Bush administration's prewar claims about Saddam Hussein seeking weapons of mass destruction, but signaled she would not appear in person.

"I am more than happy to answer them again in a letter," she told reporters in Oslo, where she is attending a meeting of NATO foreign ministers.

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By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 26 Apr 2007 #permalink