Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain ..

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Ninety-nine dollars to wash a bag of laundry?? That's what it costs a soldier to get his laundry done for him -- because he is not allowed to do it for himself. This war is just one huge mess .. when will this country ever leave Iraq? After KBR and Halliburton have bankrupted the USA?

Progressive film director Robert Greenwald was scheduled to testify at a hearing on Thursday, 10 May about war profiteering. He requested to show a few minutes from one of his films, Iraq for Sale, but Republicans refused him. This is what Congress will not be allowed to see (below the fold) [4:36];

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tags: Iraq war, profiteering, Halliburton, KBR, politics, streaming video WAR PROFITEERING. No one, including Bush, his wife, nor their smarmy cronies, cares about our troops, the Iraqis, nor the thousands of grieving American and Iraqi families out there, NO! Nor did they ever care! For weeks, I…
tags: Iraq, Iraq for Sale, politics, streaming video Robert Greenwald, the director of IRAQ FOR SALE, was invited to testify before Congress by Rep. Jim Moran. He prepared four minutes from the documentary to show. Republicans insisted this video not be shown. [4:37]
A new documentary called Iraq for Sale has Haliburton under major scrutiny and it's not hard to see why. Unable to get Republican committee chairs to call for committee hearings based upon an enormous amount of evidence for malfeasance on the part of the company, the Senate Democratic Policy…
I've debated (with myself) whether to post anything about disgraced columnist Michael Fumento's rantings that bird flu was a "Chicken Little" story (literally: it's entitled, "Chicken Littles were Wrong"). It was published in the far right rag, Weekly Standard, where Science is a dimunutive figure…

Shame,shame, shame....

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 12 May 2007 #permalink