An Afternoon Spent Refuting Creationism

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A streaming video revealing that the Creationist museum was built upon a huge layer of Ordovician fossils, including brachiopods, trilobites, and bryozoans [10:11]

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Thanks for the video, I was unaware that fossils are that abundant in Coldspring KY. I am a neurobiologist now, and I was exposed to fossils was in High School. I thought they were rare, and can only see them in remote sites, Natural history museums, and books. But that was an amazing video. If I ever I drive by KY, I will see the fossils myself.

Prf RYL, if you have any limestone near you, you have fossils. It's build out of ooze that is mostly the shells of tiny sea creatures. Occasionally there are larger ones that you can actually see -- sometimes quite large.