Who Dies in the last Harry Potter Book? (Poll Results)

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I asked you all a few days ago who you thought would die in the last Harry Potter book, and I have posted the results below the fold, as promised. Due to a mix-up at Amazon, I did not receive my copy of the Harry potter book, so I can only report spoilers (which may or may not be true) instead of writing a review of the book itself. But I can post the poll results;

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Future Spouse is about halfway through the last Harry Potter, but before he finishes, I'll go on record as predicting that Harry Lives (and marries Ginny Weasley -- I'm rootin' for her), Voldemort Dies, and at least one other Major Character Dies. If I had my druthers, it'd be Snape. :)

Despite that prediction, I think it would be a really interesting twist if Harry does indeed die in the end. If he and Voldemort are inextricably connected in some way, then it makes artistic sense that in order to kill Voldemort, Harry's own life must be forfeit. That would no doubt upset many people (including me), but just because it's upsetting, doesn't mean it wouldn't make for a powerful, unforgettable ending...

I was right! I was right!

The book is very satisfying. That's all I'll say. (I don't mind saying "I was right" because no one has a clue how I voted.)

I haven't read the book yet, but my son has offered an interesting speculation.

I can't say that I'm all that clear about the prophecy and how both must die or whatever. But my son suggests that perhaps when Voldemort tries to kill Harry again, he once again loses his magical powers. Imagine the Big V being a Muggle! That would be a fate worse than death for him.

voldemort dies and harry lives and gets married to ginny(i dont know what happens 2 cho :( )er snape dies lupin dies and i not sure about eny otherz