Boloria selene

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Britain's population of pearl-bordered fritillary, Boloria selene, has fallen by two-thirds over the past 30 years, according to Butterfly Conservation. At the start of its Save Our Butterflies Week, the charity has announced the UK's largest project to reverse the decline of woodland species

Image: Robert Thompson [larger]

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In 1979, somewhere in Dartmoor, a butterfly died. That would hardly have been an exceptional event, but this individual was a Large Blue butterfly (Maculinea arion) and it was the last of its kind in the United Kingdom. Over more than a century, the Large Blue's population had been declining and…
Gulf Fritillary, Agraulis vanillae incarnata. A Gulf Fritillary basks in the sun in early afternoon at the West 11th St. Park in Houston on 12 November 2006. It was cool the previous Sunday with temperatures in the 60s, so this butterfly, an ectotherm, was warming its wing muscles in the sun…
tags: female Regal Fritillary, Speyeria idalia, Image of the Day Female Regal Fritillary, Speyeria idalia. Image: Dave Rintoul. [larger]. The photographer writes: I was out on the Konza yesterday and captured some more images that your readers might appreciate. This is a female Regal Fritillary…
tags: Gulf fritillary, Agraulis vanillae, butterfly, photography, Image of the Day Gulf fritillary, Agraulis vanillae, photographed at Smith Point Hawkwatch, Texas. Image: Joseph Kennedy, 7 October 2006 [larger view].


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Warm Regards from India

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Kerala, India

The recent Houston NABA butterfly count showed decreased numbers of individual butterflies this July compared with past years. The big variable between this and other count years is the unending rain since the second week of June. Interstingly the 2005 count was marked by record rainfalls leading up to it, but the 2006 count occurred amidst a record drought. If any of this is attributable to human activity, we are going to have to start worrying about at least some invertebrates (not Asian tiger mosquitoes, however). This summer my neighborhood is also characterized by an irruption of Eastern narrowmoth toads, which sound like a high-pitched, buzzing, pig squeal. I am told by neighbors that they are finding pools of water in open areas that are crowded with tadpoles. I hear distant thunder even as I type this, despite bright-blue skies at the beginning of the day. Sheesh.

By biosparite (not verified) on 29 Jul 2007 #permalink

I found your post through Circus of the Spineless. This species is also struggling on the southern edge of its range in the US. I recently blogged about a conservation project in Illinois.