Google is a Gaggle of Semiliterate F*cksticks

Now, now, now, say you, why would I go off on Google in such an unseemly manner? Well, it's really very simple. Google no longer lists any scienceblog sites in their news feed, but they still list other blogs written by liars such as Stop the ACLU, WorldNet Daily and the Discovery Institute. WTF?? I find this to be incredibly irresponsible and disingenuous for internet users everywhere. On one hand, if Google doesn't want to index ANY blogs, that's their business, but to selectively list LIAR BLOGS that peddle fact-free shit while delisting scienceblogs, which rely on news sources and scientific papers for their information, is just plain wrong. If you want to make a stink about this dumbass move on their part, please let them know!

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Well, shit. That sucks.

I've sent in my comment to Google. I'll let you know if I hear anything back.

markcc (Good Math/Bad Math) works at google. Ask him.

I also am a little confused. I just checked the "news" bundle on my Google Reader. It has BBC news (world), Christian Science Monitor, ESPN, Google News, Marketwatch, and NPR. Where are you looking to see this package? On the science bundle there's Cognitive Daily.

i have been checking the google alerts and also using the google news search feature, which always listed my weekly online newsletter, Birds in the News, along with other pieces that i wrote. it no longer lists BITN, nor anything else i've written, and hasn't for two weeks now, which if you knew how much work goes in to putting BITN together on a weekly basis, you'd also be frustrated. further, my fellow SBers are complaining that they also are not represented on the google news feed, which makes me suspect that we all were removed by google because they don't want to list anything with the word "blog" in the URL.