A Friend Sent Me This Story To Chase the Dementors Away

So of course, I had to share it with you.

Courtroom drama custody ruling

A seven year old boy was at the centre of a courtroom drama today when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him.

The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge awarded custody to his aunt.

The boy however confirmed that his aunt beat him more than his parents, and refused to live there. When the judge suggested that he live with his grandparents the boy cried out that they beat him more than anyone.

Then in an unprecedented move, the judge dramatically allowed the boy to choose who should have custody of him.

In a final ruling yesterday, custody was granted to the England Rugby Team as the boy firmly believes that they are not capable of beating anyone.

"They wouldn't hurt a fly. I doubt they can even beat Italy [because] they're so gentle and kind," said the well-informed young lad.


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One smart boy :o)

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 21 Sep 2007 #permalink

I guess he didn't want to be in the custody of the Scottish team, because then he'd have to give them a thrashing.


The man breaking out in uncontrollable giggles on the way to the pub to watch tonight's game is me…

With a bit o'luck the Irish will then beat the French (which means France will probably next make it to the next round of the tournament, a bit embarrassing when yer the hosts and one of the favourites to make it to the final), and then I'll be laughing hysterically on the way back…

But since I live in France that, well, er, maybe I'll just stick to the giggling…

I guess he didn't want to be in the custody of the Scottish team, because then he'd have to give them a thrashing. Bob

hmm!! Played 2 won 2 so far.
We'll just have to see what happens when Scotland play Italy on the 29th.

Though England did manage to defeat the USA, let's see how they do against Samoa.

Scotland v New Zealand is a no contest (barring a miracle), but can anyone defeat the All Blacks?

Oh yes. Good luck to England I hope they do well, as I do for all the home nations.

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 21 Sep 2007 #permalink

We should beat Samoa, but that's been said before (in 1991 and 1999). But the Aussies will do for us in the quarter finals.

I can't see anyone beating the Kiwis either. Unless they hire an English cook and insisted on a diet of scrambled egg.


I just want to point out how proud I am that we beat Tonga today - a country of less that 120 thousand people.

blf - my sympathies for last night. Now just make sure you beat Argentina!



I just want to point out how proud I am that we beat Tonga today - a country of less that 120 thousand people.

I'm sure that was slip of the mind, or are you making a prediction. It was Samoa that England won against on the 22nd.

Scotland got shown how the game should be played, a bit embarassing to lose 40-0 to anyone.

So England have to beat Tonga on the 28th, Scotland need to beat Italy on the 29th, Wales have to beat Fiji on the 29th and Ireland need to defeat Argentine by a large margin on the 30th.

Oh well, just have to hope for the best.

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 24 Sep 2007 #permalink