October 5th is a Very Important Day for Vertebrate Paleontologists

1842 THE BIRTHDAY OF BEER! Lager Beer is perfected in the city of Pilsen, you know, as in Pilsner Beer. Beer was made by the Egyptians and Sumerians and traced back to the Ice Age, but our concept of beer requiring an advancement in refrigeration is Pilsner or Lager.

1905 The initial description of Tyrannosaurus rex, its junior synonym Dynamosaurus imperiosus, and Albertosaurus sarcophagus was published. Albertosaurus remains a valid genus name of a related but smaller tyrannosaurid.

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Pah! That's not the birthday of beer, it's the birthday of pissy lager. I'm sure at least some vertebrate palaeontologists are refined enough to drink bitter.



OUR concept of Beer? Sorry but it's not MINE!
Generally I'm a huge fan of your blog (particularly the birdy stuff) but celebrating the birth of larger is something I just can't stomach.

I'm afraid you'll soon find this comments thread totally hijacked by the militant wing of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA).

I'm sure that Bob meant Heavy :o)

Though I do agree about Pilsner, the Dutch and Belgiums make some really good lagers and Ales.

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 07 Oct 2007 #permalink