My Blog 'Movie Rating' is PG

I've done this before, but thought I'd try it again. This time, my blog is rated "PG" for parental guidance. The reason? I used the word "whore" three times, and the word "sexy" once.

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Well, mine is rated G (not surprising, it's not in English). But, something tickled the rate-o-meter, "penas" (Portuguese for feathers).

Maybe it doesn't like birds.

It's ridiculous. My site is NC-17. I'm not American, but even I know that rating implies a level of sick depravity from which high school students need to be protected.

So why was this? Just 8 words used a total of 30 times in a site of well over 30 thousand words. Yet I never swore at all!

But can't we have serious discussion about life and death. How much does fear of hell inspire behavior? Are there sex differences in preferred web site design? Discussing whether whale slaughter is murder? The word bitch was quoted just once even then in a positive non-derogatory sense.

Is satire really dead? Are those words really so dangerous to American youth? If yes, be scared ...