NYC Through My Eye #1

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One day (but not today), I shall capture the perfect image of this lovely city.

NYC Sky #1, Lincoln Center, NYC.

Picture taken while standing in front of the Time Warner Building
in the Lincoln Square roundabout
across the street from the southwest end of Central Park.

Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size].

The weather in NYC has been quite reasonable today, so I began to play with my camera, as you can see from the series of images I am posting for you to see. The weatherman says we can expect snow the day after tomorrow, so I am determined to enjoy the city while I can do so without freezing to death.

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tags: photography, Lincoln Center, NYC, NYCLife As you have probably guessed by looking at my pictures, I really love night photography, and NYC is so photogenic by night that I can't resist her charms. But I still have not managed to translate the image that I see in my mind into an image that you…

thanks! this was my favorite of the "sky (scraper)" images i took today. there are several more that survived the great cull before downloading, but they are not quite as nice, methinks.

Re all the city pictures in this general grouping: thank you, Grrl Scientist, for the beautiful images. Was that globe present on the site of the New York World's Fair in 1964? I believe it was pictured on the U.S. postage stamp commemorating the Fair.

By biosparite (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

yes, indeed it was! but it was moved from its original location in flushing, NY (which is actually a long subway ride away in queens) to it's present location. its name is "unisphere".

Is the sphere in Lincoln Center the original one? There is the huge one in flushing meadows park.

Flushing meadows park has some interesting birding for NYC residents. In the winter there are brants that stay there permanently, huge black back gulls are common, and I spotted a red throated loon there a few years ago in the spring.