National Pet Week Starts Today!

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It seems that every day of the week, every week and month of the year are set aside to commemorate something or other. But this week should be special to millions of Americans because it is National Pet Week. National Pet Week was set aside to celebrate the more than 172 million pets that live in the United States, to honor the strong bond that exists between people and their pets, and to recognize how animals, especially our pets, enrich our lives.

American National Pet Week this year is May 4-10 (the UK dedicated an entire month to their pets; 5 April - 5 May 2008). As you can see in the above poster, the theme for 2008 is "Pets Jazz Up Your Life." This theme was chosen because the American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Convention will be held in New Orleans, July 19-22, 2008.

National Pet Week was jointly founded in 1981 by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the Auxiliary to the AVMA, and is now widely celebrated throughout the United States and other parts of the world. Each year, its goals are: to promote responsible pet ownership, celebrate the human-animal bond, and promote public awareness of veterinary medicine.

In honor of National Pet Week, I will write and publish something about parrots as pets (starting tomorrow), when I will discuss if a parrot is the right pet for you because really, most people should not live with parrots at all.

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I noticed you in the Blog 365 Mega Feed and decided to check in here. Thanks for the 'heads-up' about this! I live with a 'feral' cat who adopted me about a decade ago and a 3 year old Lab ... both of whom I consider 'family' ... each has been featured recently in Camera Critters posts at Small Reflections. My 'ex' has custody of our parrot, Esmerlda.
Hugs and blessings,

Jack (the cat) thinks it's a great idea that I should get a few parrots. I'm a bit suspicious about his motives, though.