Mama Knows Best

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Mama knows best.

Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George [larger].

The photographer, Bob Levy, writes;

Remember my story about Mama and Papa Bank Rock: Behind the Green Mesh (see this website May 25, 2008, also see part 2 and part 3)? Well, apparently Mama is still convinced she is invisible as she continues to incubate her eggs. To date, with the exception of a few bird-watchers, she has gone undetected. When Mama Bank Rock got off the nest during my last visit I stood on tiptoe to get a look inside. There were at least two eggs in there. I estimate they were deposited on or about May 17th. Incubation behind or even in front of a green mesh requires twelve to thirteen day so the eggs should hatch any day and in fact may have done so even as I type these words.

I have only shown the nest to a couple of trusted friends but a chorus of yammering nestlings will announce its presence to friend and foe alike. I am hoping predators and meddlesome but well-meaning humans won't harm them once their position is common knowledge. On the other hand this site has defied my expectations so far and served the cardinal adults and eggs well. Perhaps Mama knows best after all and fledglings will successfully leave the nest.

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