Mama's Bad "Hair" Day

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Moulting Female Northern Cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis,
in Central Park, NYC.

Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [Wallpaper size]

About a month ago, I found an adult female [Northern cardinal that] I call Mama Castle in a decidedly striking condition. The protrusion of feathers jutting out from her lower extremities and those missing from her face made her look as if she were a survivor from an explosion in a mattress factory. Not only could she be described as having a bad "hair" day but perhaps a facial would have been a good idea too. This season I have noticed the "exploding feathers condition" similar to this on at least one other Northern Cardinal. I thought it was rare until I came across Mama Castle. I guess I have not been as observant as I previously thought.

Ps. If viewers can enlarge this shot a few times, I think it gets better. Even in her heavy molt Mama Castle is positively beautiful, but in case you are concerned about her, I assure you her plumage is growing back nicely.

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